Dare from Tony, to you. Dare from you, to Thor.

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"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with anyone of your choice. Sometime within the next week." Tony says.

You gape at him. "Not fair." You say.

"Fair. Unless you would rather me choose who you play it with."

You hold your hands up above your head.

"Okay, Okay! I surrender! So I have a week?" You ask.


"Well, at least I don't have to do it immediately. That, now that would be embarrassing. And guys, I want to add a rule to the game. Every time you get chosen to do a Truth or Dare, you have to a shot. Deal?" You propose.

"I'm in." Clint says.

"Same." Nat agrees.

Bruce just shrugs.

"I agree. I would like to see what Midgardian wine tastes like." Thor says.

Loki looks like he couldn't care less.

"I'm all in. I can't get drunk anyways." Steve says. Bucky nods along to what Steve said.

"Is that everyone agreed?"

"I didn't agree." Tony says.

"But we all know that you're going to agree, Tony. You gotta admit it." Clint points out.

"You're making me feel predictable, guys." Tony pouts.

You thwack him around the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He yells.

"Nothing. I just felt like it."

"Anyways, now we have that rule out of the way, Thor. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He yells.

Tony leaves to get Thor his shot.

"I dare you to put on a ridiculous pink bikini." You say.

Everyone bursts out laughing - even Loki.

"Not fair!" Thor yells.

"Life's not fair, brother. Deal with it." Loki says.

"Fine. I will keep my honour."

"You'll lose the honour either way. Like, wow. Such a weirdo, thinking that you could keep your honour throughout this." You mutter.

Nat overhears you.

"Omg, Y/n... That is hilarious." She says.

Thor leaves the room.

"I wonder who Thor's going to pick as the next victim of a Truth or Dare." Wanda wonders.

"Loki, probably." Vision says.

"Maybe." You say. "Bu-" You are interrupted by a Half naked Thor that enters the room. At first, there is only a shocked silence. Then you burst out laughing, and everyone else joins in.

(This is how I visualise it, but you are welcome to imagine it anyway you want

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(This is how I visualise it, but you are welcome to imagine it anyway you want. Also, Depressed_Bisexual09 gave me this idea - I just changed it up a little. Make sure to go follow her!)

"OHMaGawd! Thor! You look, like, so hot." You say.

"Thanks, Y/n!" He says back.

You bite your lip to contain a laugh, but you make eye contact with Bucky, and all the laughter comes out.

"Bwahahahahaha!" You guffaw, shouting and shaking your head.

"What? I thought you liked this outfit?" Thor pouted.

Just then, Jarvis' voice echoed throughout the room.

"Miss Jane Foster has entered the grounds." JARVIS said.

"Go get her, Thor!" You yell, pushing him towards the elevator.

"Not I'm this!" He says, gesturing towards his clothes.

"Fine. You can get out of the clothes until she leaves." You compromise.

"Thank you, Lady Y/n."

"Not a problem, Your Majesty." You say sarcastically.

"Now go get your woman!" Bucky yells, slapping Thor on the back as he walks out.

"Don't hit me, James!" Thor yells.

"My names Bucky!" Bucky yells back as the elevator closes.

"Why do you let me call you James?" You ask Bucky.

"I don't know. It's just that you don't know what I did. Like, with you, you don't know what I was like in the 1900's, so it's possible to be James again, you know. It just works out."

You are stunned that Bucky shared his reasons with you - whenever you used to ask, he would always just shrug.

You hug him.

"Thanks for being honest with me, Bucky."

"There is something else I want to tell you. I'm not sure how you'll take it." He says worriedly.

"I think I'm bi. Like, bisexual." He confesses.

You think that he expects you to be disgusted with you - in fact you feel proud.

"Oh my god! There's sooooo many people in this Tower who are gay! I mean, Pietro, Clint, Tony, Steve. I think the only straight person are me and Nat... huh. But well done for coming out to me, Buck!" You say, elated. "When are you going to tell everyone?"

"I don't know... probably today or tomorrow... yeah. That's all good."

"Alright! Tell me if you need help figuring out how to come out, and I'll come."

"Thanks, Y/n."

"Not a problem, James."

He grins.

"Also, when exactly are you going to take your date with Loki?" He asks you.

You shrug. "Whenever I have time to. And is Nick asleep?"

"JARVIS, is Director Fury asleep?" Bucky asks.

"Not yet, Sergeant. I'll notify Miss Y/l/n when he is."

"Thank you JARVIS. And please, call me Bucky. Not Sergeant."

"Of course, Bucky."


Right. I have a dilemma.

Stucky or Stony?

Like, when I first started writing I shipped Stony (Steve and Tony) but now I ship Stucky (Steve and Bucky).

So help. Tell me what one you would rather, and whatever the majority is I'll add it in.

Peace, Love, Goodbye!

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