Shawarma (Part two)

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A waitress comes over to us.

"Table of... 11?" She asks, counting us in her head.

"Yes ma'am." Steve says politely.

"Always the polite one." You murmur.

Steve glances at you. "Just because I want to get somewhere in life, doesn't mean you have to say that, you bast-"

"For gosh sake, Steve. Watch your language!" Tony says.

Steve glares at Tony, and the waitress' eyes go wide.

"Y- You're the Avengers." She states, shocked.

"Yes ma'am." Steve says again.

"But please don't tell anyone we're here. I'll give you a tip." Tony adds hurriedly.

"How much?" The waitress says.

"Uh, £120? Will that do?" Tony says, counting out money from his pocket.

The waitress looks even more shocked.
"Are you sure? That's an awful lot of money."

"That's an awful lot? Puh-lease. I am Iron Man." Tony states, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, and a table for 20. All the superheroes we know are coming. Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Falcon, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Drax, Gamora, Rocket, Mantis, Nebula, Scott Lang, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Loki, Thor, Nat, Clint, Dr. Strange, Bucky and me." You list off.

Then you frown. "I think that's 20..."

Tony smacks your arm. "Yes, that's all of us.

"Oh good. Is there a table for 20 free, ma'am?" Steve asks.

Wanda walls up to you, her eyes shining with delight. "You invited my brother?"

You rub the back of your head.

"Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea. I can uninvite him if you want..." You say, already confused as to if she wanted her brother to be there.

"No! Don't uninvite him! It's just because he said he was in Sokovia." Wanda says.

"He's almost here." You say, glancing at your phone.

"Where is he?" Wanda asks.

"L.A." You answer.

"But that's ages away."

You raise an eyebrow at her. "Super speed, remember?"

She facepalms. "Oh yeah."

You shake your head at her.

"He's outside." You say.

Pietro walks in. "Hey Wanda." He says.

"Pietro!" She yells, tackling him in a hug.

"Chill, lil sis." He says, taken off guard by the hug.

Wanda steps away from him. "Why. Haven't. You. Come. To. Visit!" She says, punching with every word.

"Sheesh. I did tell you to calm it." Pietro grins.

"You didn't answer her question." You comment.

"Fine. I was finding some family files. I brought them with me. We can look at them later." He says, pulling a file out of his bag.

He hands them to Wanda, who takes them in silence.

"We'll look at them when we get back to the Tower." Pietro says. "Now come on. There are new Avengers."

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