Even more Truth or Dares

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"Guys! We need to continue our game!" You shout through the loudspeaker. "Truth or dare is waiting for us! Meet in the living room!"

Everyone races to the living room, Pietro first, of course, and everyone arrives.

"Who's going first?" You ask.

Quill raises his hand. "It's my turn." He says.

You nod and gesture for him to start.

"Hmm, Rocket."

"Dare." Rocket says confidently.

"Come outside and I'll tell you the dare." Quill says, gesturing to his fellow guardian and walking out, Rocket close on his heels.

When the two come back in Rocket looks really excited, and he keeps leaning over to whisper in Quill's ear.

Quill shakes his head and returns to his place on a couch next to Gamora.

"Next? Rocket, it's your turn." Tony says.

"Okay. Uh, you with the cool tech suit." Rocket says, pointing to Scott.

Tony pouts. "I'm the one with the cool tech suit!" He whines.

Scott grins. "Yeah? I choose truth."

Rocket thinks for a second. "Do you actually like being a superhero?" Rocket asks.

You look at Scott, intrigued.

"I like some parts, one of the only parts of being a superhero is that I don't get to spend as much time with my family." Scott says.

"Fair enough." You say, leaning back into the couch. "Scott, it's your turn."

"Tony." Scott says instantly. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Tony says.

"I dare you to upgrade my suit so it's better than yours." Scott says, apparently proud of himself.

Tony opens his mouth, completely shocked. "That's not fair!" He protests. "Not fair at all!"

You grin at your brother.

"A dare is a dare, Tony." You say. "Deal with it."

Tony looks hurt. "Fine. Hope, truth or dare?"

The Wasp looks up. "Uh... truth." She says.

Tony frowns. "I was hoping you'd say dare. Fine. Do you have a crush on Scott?"

Hope frowns. "I have no idea."

Tony looks at her, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"I did. I definitely did. I'm not sure if I do anymore." Hope explains.

"Wait... what?" Scott asks.

Hope rolls her eyes. "You heard me, Ant-boy."

Scott pouts. "Ant-man." He corrects.

"You act like a child." Hope says, rolling her eyes.

Scott looks hurt. "Do not!"

You laugh. "She's making you act like a child, Scott." You point out.

Scott frowns. "Okay... you've lost me."

Tony coughs. "Can we carry on with the game?" He asks.

You nod. "Hope, your turn." You say.

"Okay. Hmm, dude with the wings. Pigeon?" Hope asks.

Sam frowns. "Falcon."

"Okay. Sorry Pigeon. Truth or dare." Hope asks.

Sam frowns further, "Dare."

"I dare you to... never mind. I was gonna say super suit... but no. That's harsh. I dare you to reveal your deepest secret." Hope says.

"I have a family." Sam says, after a pause.

"Really?!" You exclaim.

Sam blushes. "Yeah. My wife is called Anne. I have a son called Steve, after, of course, Captain America here." Sam says, clapping Steve on the shoulder.

"I'm honoured!" Steve says, grasping Steve in a quick hug.

"Thanks, man." Sam says. "Wait, I gotta take this call." Sam walls out of the room with phone in hand.

"Well." You start. "That was new."

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