Dare for Clint, Dare for Natasha and Dare for Tony

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Steve looks around the room, his eyes looking at everyone. When he looks at you, you shift slightly, but his gaze soon moves onto the west Avenger. For a moment his gaze rests on Tony, before he blushes and turns to look at Black Widow.

"Nat, Truth or Dare?" Steve asks her, sitting himself down on the sofa again.

"Dare," she responds, not even thinking. You have to suppress a chuckle - of course the one and only Black Widow wouldn't be afraid of a dare from an old man.

Steve grins. "I dare you to give Tony your laptop password."

Oh she would be pissed now.

"Oh god..." Wanda murmurs, her gaze on the floor. She knew as well as you do that Nat wouldn't be happy - and she wasn't.

Tony looks up from his phone and grins at her. Mistake #1.

"Cmon Nat," he teases, dragging out her names "What is it?" Mistake #2.

"YoureADick." She whispers to Stark, so only he and you can hear it.

Tony walks out into the hallway, presumably to get Nat's laptop, and Nat turns to Steve.

Steve pales instantly, and he turns to Bucky for help. His best friend just shrugs. "You brought this upon yourself, dude."

"Steve, run before I kill you." Nat says in her sweetest voice.

Steve is off like a shot, Nat on his tail screaming bloody murder.


"NOT ANYMORE!" Steve yells back.

Nat, with a sudden burst of speed and adrenaline jumps Cap and pushed him to the floor. She puts his arm into a lock behind his back when he tries to get up - he effectively can't move. You wolf-whistle.

Steve taps her arm three times, clearly tapping out.

Nat lets go of his arm and sits on the sofa in a strop, only for Tony to come in the door with Nat's laptop.

"Hah!" He yells. "Nat has been searching up-" Nat rushes towards him and claps a hand over his mouth.

"Not a word, Stark," she warns. Tony swallows and nods.

Clint looks at Natasha from where he's hiding behind the sofa, not wanting a dare. Oh dear.

"Aw, shoot." He says, when the Black Widow looks at him and grins.

"Clint, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare? Wait no-"

"Too late!" Nat yells, pure manic in her voice.

Oh she's pissed.

"Keep your voice down Nat, I think they heard you in blimming Alaska!"

"Good. Anyways, Clint, I dare you to jump off Stark Tower and not scream until Thor here saves you. If you scream, you have to jump again and again until you don't."

Clint pales. He has a deathly fear of heights, contrary to what his name might imply - but here we are.

"Nat, anything but this, anything, please," Clint begs, biting his lip.

"If you don't start running up there now then I'll tie you up, knock you unconscious and push you off like that." Nat doesn't pause, and it slowly clicks in your head that she's been thinking about this dare for a while.


"Nat, please."


"Alright I'm going!!" Clint says, giving in and slowly sitting up.

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