Shawarma! (Part one)

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"Hey guys?" You ask everyone the next day, "Does anyone want to come out for shawarma with me?"

Apparently, it seemed, everyone did. The 6 original avengers all agree with grins in their faces, while Wanda and Vision agree because they wanted to try something new. Bucky says yes because he wanted to have 'bonding time' with everyone, and yeah, that's about it. I also decide to phone some other guests.

I pull out my phone and dial some... other guests, after walking out the room.


"Y/n," Pietro says. "How you doing?"

"I'm all good. But I have a favour to ask. Would you care to join me and the other Avengers for shawarma? At that shawarma place down the road?"

"I would be delighted," he says, his accent getting thicker.

"Great. See you in about half an hour."

You go to hang up, but Pietro asks another question.

"Will Hawkeye be there? Clint?"

"He should be, yeah. Why?"

"I... was just wondering."

"Yeah, okay. If you say so."

"I say so." Pietro sasses, then hangs up.

You shake your head before failing T'Challa, who was visiting New York on a political business thing.

"Hey Your Highness?"

"Don't call me that, Y/n!"

"Fine. T'Challa. Do you want to join the fellow Avengers and I for shawarma?"

"Sure, I'll come. I've never tried shawarma before."

"Great! I'll see you there in about half an hour?"

"Sure. I'll be there. Can Shuri come as well?"

"Of course. Invite anyone, as long as we all know them."

"There'll be a lot of people, won't there."

"Yes. Every superhero and Loki are invited. This will be fun!"

"I'm sure it will, Y/n. I'm sure it will."

You hang up on Black Panther and yer another number.

"Parker? You know how Tony invited you to the truth or dare? Well, meet us at the shawarma place that's near Stark tower in 30 minutes."

"Alright, Y/n. I'll be there."

"Make sure you are."

You hang up and call yet another number.

"Hey guardians? You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here Y/n. What you calling for? Is someone else trying to kill the galaxy?" Rocket asks you, after he picks up.

"No. I was asking if you and your fellow guardians would care to join me and the rest of the Avengers for shawarma."

"Shawarma? What's shawarma?" Rocket asks.

"A good food. Come to Earth, you guys can try it."

"Sure. I'm on my way now. I'll tell everyone else."

"You do that." You say.

You hang up and dial a last number.

"Stephen? You there?"

"This better be important, Y/n." Dr. Strange says.

"It is. Do you want to meet the Avengers for shawarma? The bills on Tony."

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