Wanda vs Pietro

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Your mates cram back into the van after you've eaten, and you and Tony sit in the front.

"So... what's going on with you and Steve?" You ask.

Tony sighs. "I don't know. Let's just say we're on a... temporary break at the moment. But he has been hanging around with Bucky a lot lately... Steve might like him. I'm not to sure at the moment, to be honest." Tony admits.

You nod understandingly and rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Either way, what's up with you and Pepper?"

"Pepper and I are on an on and off relationship." Tony says.

You nod again.

"As long as you and Steve are happy, I don't mind." You say.

Tony smiles. "Thanks. It means a lot." Tony says.

"No problem."

You sit in silence for the rest of the ride.

"Don't you have to fight Bucky?" Tony asks you.

You groan. "Yeah."

Tony smirks. "Enjoy that." He says as you both get out of the car.

Tony rounds the back to let everyone else out where they pile out at top speed.

"So, we have some dares to fulfil." You say, looking at Loki, Wanda and Pietro.

Bucky looks at you and grins. "Who do you think is gonna win between us?" He asks.

"Hopefully, me. I meant I did win against Hulk." You say nonchalantly.

Bucky nods. "True. But the Hulk is just brawn. There isn't any brains. I'm both."

You pretend to look confused. "Brains? You're not smart, are you?"

Bucky punches you in the arm with his normal arm.

"Ow." You say.

You all walk inside the Stark Tower and enter the fighting arena.

"First up, is Wanda and Pietro!" Tony announces. "Champions, take your places!"

Wanda and Pietro step into the ring on opposite sides, eying each other warily.

"Right! Brother vs sister... Fight!"

Wanda conjures a dome of red energy to surround her, but Pietro is already off, and a blue blur is inside the dome even as Wanda lowers her hands.

Wanda is knocked backwards onto the floor when Pietro whizzes past her, and he comes visible for a few moments.

"You didn't see that coming?" He jokes, before Wanda shoots a blast of red energy at him and he sidesteps out of the way.

"So slow..." Pietro says, as he dodges another blast, then comes in for another hit.

Wand grins as Pietro approaches, then holds out her hands and concentrates just as Pietro is about to punch.

Pietro is enveloped by red chaos energy, and Wanda throws him to the other side of the arena.

"Ow." Pietro says.

Wanda smirks. "You didn't see that coming." She jokes.

Pietro shakes his head at her as he runs forwards and body slams into Wanda, knocking her to the floor but getting up as Wanda shoots a blast of red energy at him.

He dodges the blow, then runs to the other side of the arena.

"C'mon, little brother." Wanda says.

Pietro laughs. "I'm older by 10 minutes. You know that, right?"

Wanda smiles and catches him with a wave of energy, knocking him to the floor and dazing him.

Wanda lifts him up into the air, then looks at Tony.

Tony nods. "Wanda wins!" He announces.

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