Vision and Wanda dare activated (Gone wrong)

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"JARVIS, tell Wanda and Vision to get down here please." You say to the intercom.

There was a slight pause.

"They have been notified."


Vision and Wanda materialise in front of you.

"It's time guys!"

"Time for what... oh." Wanda says.

"Yup! Time for the dare!"

"They're gonna kill me." Vision says, seemingly worried.

"Then do your disappearing act."

Vision scowls.

"Fine. I can't really refuse, can I?"

"Not really. I've also got a question. Can you control people with the Mind Stone?"

"I've never tried."

"Try it then. On... Wanda."


Vision turns to look at Wanda, and she has a look of fear on her face.

"Don't do it." She says.

"Do it!" You say.

Vision focuses on Wanda, the mind stone on his head glows brightly, and then Wanda starts to dance. Not just any dance.

The chicken dance.

"OH MY GOD!" You yell.

Vision looks at you in surprise, and accidentally let's go of Wanda's mind.

"Run." He says.

You begin to run, but you don't get very far when a red wall appears in front of you, blocking you off from the door.

You turn to see Wanda with a palm full of red energy.

"Don't." You say.

She smiles, and the wall behind you crashes into your back, forcing you to the floor as the wall is on top of you.

"Gods help me." You say.

Next second, Thor is there.

"You called, Y/n?"

"Yeah." You point at your back with your free arm, and he looks at the glowing wall in confusion.

Then he notices Wanda standing there, and he gets out his hammer.

"Let her go." He says.

"No." Someone says from behind you. Vision.

Wanda releases the wall on your back, and you turn around to see Vision, with glowing red eyes.

"Shoot." You say.

"JARVIS, tell everyone that the Avengers need to assemble."

"Over my dead body!" Wanda yells.

Vision glares at Wanda. "You shouldn't have said that."

Vision pulls a sword off of his back, and fake stabs Wanda, his mind stone glowing brightly.

Thor fell to the floor next to Wanda's 'dead' body.

"WANDA!" He screams.

You assume that Vision manipulated Thor's mind to make it seem like blood is on Wanda's clothes.

Vision then disappears, fading into nothingness.

Steve, Tony, Bruce, Nat, Clint and Peter Parker appears behind Thor, all fully suited.

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