Dare, Dare, Dare, Dare, Dare, Dare and more dares.

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The next morning, you meet with all the avengers in the Living Room.

"Well, as you all know, Y/n is to have a dare from all of us, and she can not refuse." Tony starts. "So, who would like to go first?"

Nat raises her hand. "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"

You laugh. "Nat, you've been watching too much Hunger Games."

She looks hurt. "There's no such thing!"

"Apparently there is now."

"Anyways, Nat what's your dare?" Tony asks.

"I dare you to let me do you a full makeover." She says to you.

You gape at her.

"Oh gods no. Goodbye. Uh, I'll see you never..." You say, before running to your room. But someone catches you round the waist and pulls you back into the room.

"James!" You groan. "Why?"

He smiles at you. "I want to see this."

You huff as Nat takes you out the room.


"Don't laugh." You say as you walk into the room.

Tony, as a classic Tony, bursts out laughing, Steve looks like he couldn't care less. Bucky just bites his lip to hold in the laughter. Loki isn't in the room. Wanda is taking photos and Vision looks like he could not give a damn.

You were wearing black lipstick with overkill eyeliner and a yellow dress not unlike the one Belle wears in Beauty and the Beast.

Nat walks in behind you, grinning, Loki hot on her heels.

"Loki?" You ask. "What are you doing here?"

"I have to give you a dare too." He grins.

You sigh.

"Who's next?" You ask tiredly.

Bucky raises his metal arm. "Me." He says, grinning at you from under his mop of hair.

"Go easy on me." You say.

"I'll go medium." He compromises.

"I dare you to... kiss Loki."

You shrug, and peck Loki on the cheek.

"Lips, Y/n."

"That's not what you said though, was it James? Therefore, no."

"Next?" James asks the room.

"Me." Bruce says.

You groan. "I can't even be bothered."

"I'm gonna make it awkward, hmm. I got it! I dare you..." he pauses. "To kiss Bucky! On the lips."

The effect on this was instantaneous - you and Bucky going up in bursts of protests, the rest (but Loki) laughing their heads off.

"Bruce I hate you." You mutter.

Tony gets up and whistles loudly.

"Dude! You hurt my ears!" Steve complains.

"Tough. Y/n, get on with it." Tony says.

You peck Bucky on the lips and back away immediately. You grin at Bucky.

"Sorry James. I didn't have a choice, really."

He waves his hand. "Nah, its all good. I get it."

"Next?" You ask.

Clint raises his hand.

"I dare you to put glitter and stickers all over Fury's eyepatch and then confess it was you after he figures it out."

You pale. "Oh god I'm gonna die."

"Yup!" Hawkeye says happily.

"I'll do it tonight. When he's asleep." You say.

Clint nods.

"Okay. Who's next?"

Wanda raises a hand.

"I dare you to pretend to be a Californian girl for the rest of the day, and not slip out of character once."

"OMG, I have to do this while I'm confessing to Fury! Like, AhMaGad!" You say, with an accent.

Wanda laughs. You flick her a thumbs up. Thanks for doing an easy one. You mouth.

"Only Vision, Tony and Steve are left." Nat says.

You look at Vision. "You first."

"I dare you to... do the chicken dance."

You shrug at that one, and everyone looks disappointed.

You start doing he chicken dance, and end in a ridiculous position.

"Next? Steve?" You ask.

"I dare you to go on a date with Loki tomorrow." He says.

"Done. Stark, imma need some money."

"Yeah, okay." He says.

"Why does everyone either want me and Loki, or me and Bucky together," you wonder out loud.

Clint shrugs.

"You do look cute together. Like, if you were with any of them.

"Aw, thanks Clint."

"I believe it's my turn to do a dare." Tony says.

The room goes silent. Dead silent.

"I dare you too..."


End of chapter here, it's 1 am, I'm tired and I got school.

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Peace, love, goodby3!

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