Loki's dare activated

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Loki pouts at you.

"Do I have to? If I pretend to be a villain again, they'll kill me!" Loki whines.

"Shut up, ya big baby." You say to him. "It could be worse."

Loki frowns. "Define worse."

"Well, you could be doing it naked. Or in the middle of a military base. Or in a skintight spandex costume. Or..." Loki cuts you off.

"I get it, no need to carry on." Loki says irritably.

You roll your eyes. "Sort it out."

Loki gives you a look. "What did you just say?" He asks.

You hold your hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing..." You say then run out of the room.

You grin as you rush out of the room.

"I can't wait to see this." You comment to Pietro as Loki steps out of his room and takes a deep breath.

The Avengers crowd round the security cameras.

"Here goes nothing." Loki says, then teleports to Time Square.

"Kneel!" He roars.

The people all look at him in shock and fear.

"I said," Loki pauses to make illusions of himself appear throughout the people. "Kneel! Kneel before your king!"

A few scared people start to kneel down.

Loki fake-grins.

"Good. You know, humanity needs a ruler. Without it, humans run free, causing chaos and mischief as they go. Trouble pursues them like a puppy pursuing its owner, and when the puppy jumps, everyone is scared. The wars, the battles, the anger, the hate. I could get rid of all of that." Loki says. "If only humanity would accept me as its ruler."

A man walks down the aisles between the two sets of people.

"No-one will accept you as the ruler. You're too selfish and greedy for that. You crave power, you crave people to rule. You crave it like a human craves food. You feed from other peoples fear, and that is why you are not fit to be king." The man says calmly.

Loki roars at him. "You dare to speak to your new ruler like that!"

"I have no ruler. I am loyal to only myself, my family, and those that have gained my trust. I am not loyal to you, Loki, because you have not earned my trust."

A few of the braver people start crowding around the man.

Loki sighs. "I had hoped to do this with no deaths or force, but if need be..."

Loki teleports his sceptre to his hand, and it glows blue before settling down to its original glow.

"I will kill anyone who gets in my way." Loki finishes, pointing the sceptre at the man.

"Loki..." You start to say through the earpiece. "Stop now."

Loki lowers the spear.

"Hostile threats incoming. I will be back, citizenships of New York. Count on that." He says threateningly before disappearing.

Loki appears behind us, panting slightly.

"That was... odd. I didn't like that at all. But this sceptre makes your emotions stronger." Loki says, glaring at the object in his hands before making it teleport back to the lab.

"Well, that was eventful." You comment.

Everyone nods and mutters agreement.

"So I need sleep." You finish. "Goodnight."

You walk out of the room to find your bedroom has been invaded by a certain raven haired god.

"Loki." You say. "Why are you in my bedroom?"

Loki starts. "You're a good drawer." He says, flicking through a sketchbook"But why you haven't drawn me is beyond me."

You roll your eyes. "I have another journal." You say. "And no, you can't look at it."

Loki scowls. "I will one day." He says.

You smile. "Have fun trying."

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