Part 20

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(Mia's POV)

About a few hours later, I arrive in New York. I get off the plane and go to where my aunt told me to meet her. Her name is Skye and she's my "moms" sister. Even though I'm adopted, that doesn't matter to her, I'm her family as well. After looking around, I finally spot her.

Mia: Aunt Skye!!

Skye: Mia!!!

We run up to each other and give each other a hug and after a couple of minutes, finally let go.

Skye: you been?

Mia: Could be better

Skye: How long you staying here for

Mia: A long time. Things in LA haven't been the brightest..and I don't plan on going back

Skye: Aww poor baby. Well you know where your room is. Everyone else is at home. Let's go meet them

Mia: Okay.

We get into the car and start heading to the house. Skye and her husband have very stable jobs and have a lot of money, so they have a pretty big house. We pull up to the house and I see her kids playing outside. She had 3 kids: Alexa(12), Riley(10) and Gabe(7). Not gonna lie, Gabe was always my favorite. I get out of the car and start to gather my things.


Mia: Hi Gabe! How's my boy been doing?

Gabe: I'm doing great. I've lost 4 things of teeth!!

Mia: Really?! I'm so proud!!

Alexa: Do you need help there Mia?

Mia: I brought a lot so yeah

Riley: We can help

Alexa and Riley start to get some of my things and put them in my room. Alexa and Riley are both the sweetest girls in my family and are always willing to help others. Skye has taught them well. After everything is unloaded, I head to my room. I walk in and I remember all the times coming here in the summer. Mason and I always staying up late and getting in trouble. Those were the good old days. I start unpacking when I hear a knock on my door. It was my Uncle Adam.

Adam: Hey there kiddo

Mia: I'm not a kiddo anymore

Adam: Well, you're a senior in high school. I hear you're staying for a long time. What about school in LA?

Mia: I've been on independent study. I'll just keep doing that

Adam: What about when you graduate?

Mia: I don't know. Kinda don't wanna go back to LA

Adam: So you are gonna have them send it

Mia: I'll figure it out

Adam: Well, get some sleep. Gabe is going to bed and Alexa will be at a friends. Riley will probably be passed out on the couch.

Mia: Okay. Thanks

I look at the time and see it almost 9pm. I keep seeing the boys flood my messages about them wondering where I am. I decide I would text Jack.

*Text Messages*

Mia: Hey Jack

Jack: Hey Mia! Where are you?

Mia: Promise not to tell

Jack: Where are you?

Mia: New York. I'm with family

Jack: WHAT?! How did we not know?

Mia: I left quietly. Have to obey my word

Jack: Come back

Mia: I can't I'm sorry

Jack: Mia....

Mia: I have to go bye.

After I texted Jack, I put all my stuff away and went to bed. It felt weird. But I had to do what was right.

(Jacks POV)

The boys and I have been looking all over for Mia but we can't find her at all. We are starting to worry. She could be anywhere at this point. It was around 6pm when I get a text message. It was from Mia. I went into a room and texted her asking where she was and if she would come back. She said she can't. After she texted me, I went back with the gang and acted like nothing happened.

Anna: Jack... you know something

Jack: I don't

Anna: Yes you do

Sydnie: You know where Mia is..don't you

Daniel: Where is she

Jack: She's somewhere safe..and out of LA..more like out of state

All: WHAT?!

Jack: Yeah....

The rest of the night we tried to figure out where she could be..but I knew where she was. It was so hard to keep this a secret but it did this for Mia..hoping she would come back.

The next morning.....

(Mia's POV)

It was around 7am when I woke up with Gabe jumping on my bed. Honestly that was probably the best sleep I had in the longest time.

Mia: Gabe..should you be at school?

Gabe: Alexa is. Riley and I don't go until 730. We got time

Mia: Oh that's nice. Have you had breakfast.

Gabe: Yeah, there is some pancakes for you if you want some. I gotta get ready. Bye!!

Mia: Bye. I get up and head downstairs to get my food. I see Skye and and Adam sitting on the island on their phones.

Skye: Hey there honey

Adam: Hi there kiddo

Mia: Morning

Skye: Oh yeah. Just to let you know, we have some other family coming in a couple of days.

Mia: Really? We have a lot of family

Adam: We do, but you like this side of the family

Mia: Do I?

Skye: Yes...very much so. Well, I gotta head off to work. Adam is taking the kids to school. You can do whatever. Just not anything illegal

Mia: Got it! Be safe!

Skye head off and I go back to my room. I just get settled and watch Netflix all day. The boys and girls kept texting me but I kept ignoring them. I just went on with my day and for once.. I felt the weight lifted off my shoulders.

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