Part 36

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Mia: Jacque might be dying?

Jonah: We gotta!

We all grabbed stuff we needed and headed downstairs. I saw Noel on the couch and I grabbed her.

Noel: What's going on?

Mia: Jacque is in the ER. She could be dying.

Noel: I have to call Izzy.

Mia: Make it quick. We don't have time.

Noel goes in the backyard and calls Isabella. Couple minutes later, she comes in looking very sad.

Mia: Did she answer?

Noel: No. Let's go. Jacque is waiting for us.

We all jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. When we got there, we rushed to the ER section. We ran into the lady at the desk.

Jonah: Hi. We're here to see Jacque Herron.

Lady: I'm sorry I can't let you see her.

Daniel: Why not.

Lady: Family only.

Mia: Is someone by the name of Zach Herron here?

Lady: Yes. He's her brother.

Daniel: We're friends with him. Please let us go in.

Lady: I'm sorry. I can't.

Jonah then rushes out of the hospital in anger. The rest of us follow him.

Daniel: Jonah..what's the matter?

Jonah: What's the matter? What's the matter?! The matter is that I can't see the girl that I have a crush on and thinking that I'm never gonna be with her and that she's gonna die! That's the matter.

Daniel: Oh..Jonah...

Noel: I'll be right back.

Noel headed inside the hospital and goes to the front desk. She stands in front of the lady.

Noel: Lady..can we please go see Jacque. It would mean a lot.

Lady: Like I only.

Noel: I would like to ask you a question. How many times did you hear "family only" when one of your friends or lover or someone that wasn't family ended up in the hospital?

Lady: Once or twice..

Noel: It sucks doesn't it. You wanna be there for them but you can't. Even if they're on the verge of dying. My older brother died of cancer a while back and I miss him everyday. The only thing that makes me so mad is that it was in this very same hospital where he died and I never got to say goodbye to him because I too young. They wouldn't let me in his room..ever. Only my mom, dad and sister. Not me. My sister had the same cancer but she got cured. Now she is on the other side of the country saying that she can't take care of me anymore. Jacque was recently in a car accident with Zach and one of those men. Please. We are like family to her. This is what she would want. Please.

Lady: Bring them in. I'll show you guys to her.

Noel: Thank you.

Noel walks back out and see everyone but now Corbyn and Jack have arrived.

Noel: Let's go. We can go in.

Jonah: Noel..what did you do?

Noel: Thank me later. You won't regret it.

We headed into the hospital and were lead to Jacque's room. We see Zach with his head in his hands, crying on the bed.

Mia: Zach...

Zach: Guys...hi.

Jack: What's the doctor saying?

Zach: She might live. She might not.

Mia: Have you told Izzy?

Zach: I've called her multiple times but no answer. She's probably sleeping. She's 3 hours ahead of us.

Jonah: Has she woken up?

Zach: No. I want her to.

Jonah: Guys..can I have a minute alone with her?

We all leave and shut the door behind us. Jonah takes a seat on the bed right next to Jacque.

Jonah: Jacque..I don't know if you can hear me or not but..I just wanna get my feelings out even if you live or you don't. I like you. Well, not like..I love you Jacque. Ever since we went to New York. I want you to know that I would do anything for you and I wish that I was in this position and not you. Please fight for me. For Zach. For Mia. For Isabella. For everyone. We need you in our lives. I know you probably don't feel the same way about you but I love you Jacque. Stay strong.

Jonah kissed Jacque on the forehead and started to leave when something grabbed his hand. He turned around and saw Jacque.

Jacque: Hey..

Jonah: Guys! She's awake!

Everyone started busting through the door and saw she was awake.

Zach:'re alive..and awake..I never thought I would see you again. I love you little sis.

Jacque: But, I'm your twin?

Zach: I'm older.

Jacque: Wow! There is a lot of people. Some you guys have to go home. It's late.

Jack: It's only 1am.

Mia: We aren't leaving. We can spend the night.

Jacque: If you insist.

Zach: I'll go get the doctor.

Mia: Daniel..lets go walk.

I take Daniel up to the nursery. We started to look at all the cute little babies.

Daniel: That'll be us in 7-8 months.

Mia: Yeah it will. Are you ready for that?

Daniel: Me and you against the world.

Mia: Forever and always.

Daniel: We need to figure out names. One for a boy. One for a girl.

Mia: Not yet. But soon.

Daniel: Are you going to go on any of the tour dates?

Mia: Maybe the one here. I'll let you know.

Daniel: Okay. I love you.

Mia: I love you too.

We kiss and head back to the room. The rest of the night everyone took turns taking naps. About 7am everyone went home except Jonah and Zach.

When Daniel, Noel and I got home, we saw Anna on the couch.

Anna: Where have you guys been?

Mia: Hospital.

Anna: Why?

Daniel: Something with Jacque. She's fine for now but Zach will keep us updated.

Anna: I was gonna ask if you guys wanna go to the mall but you guys are probably tired.

Mia: Yeah we are.

Anna: You guys go sleep. I'll have a pool day to myself.

Anna headed out to the pool and the rest of us headed to bed.

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