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It was raining heavily and Jin was wide awake listening to the rain drum against the thick glass,Everything that had happened for the last couple of days kept coming back to him.And it scared the hell out of him.The truth of it,the reality that is yet to hit.He found himself responsible for it all,eventhough he wasn't.He felt the need to check on all the boys.Namjoon was fast asleep on the bed to the left to him.The thunder crackled, rattling the window frames.Yoongi turned around and kept sleeping,his side of the face lighting up on each lightning streaks.Jin walked over to secure a blanket over him and slowly made his way to the hallway.

Namjoon and Jungkook occupied the room opposite to them.He peered into the room to see Namjoon curled up like a ball on the left side of the bed fast asleep and so was Jungkook on the far right.Jungkook looked like he was in immense pain and why wouldn't he be? Jin sighed as he closed the door and walked down the hallway to the other room where the last bedroom stood.The door was already open and he found Hoseok, the only one there, spread out on a massive blanket on the floor.His face looked tired with tear tracks all over them down his chin.Jin knelt by him ruffling his hair.He tried hard to bite down the sobs in as he placed Hoseok's head onto a pillow.
"Jin hyung...",Hoseok mumbled, half-asleep and Jin couldn't help as a tear left his eyes.


"I miss him..",Hoseok said as he fell asleep again.Jin pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"I miss him too",He whispered back as he closed the door behind him,to go look for the last one,The one that is the most broken,the one half of the soul.

"Yaa!! You said it doesn't matter as long as we are under the same sky.
What do I do,now that we are not"

A/N: Remember it's just a story

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