Chapter 5

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"One thing that you should understand is there's two sides of a story"
"That's what we are daring to venture,We do remember the tragic incident of another idol taking their life earlier this year,I am saying the history is repeating.The stress these companies are putting over the idols are a big concern-"
"I am seriously amazed at how the main stream media is twisting the stories,that case was different.It was a suicide"

"You think this is not?"
"Are you implying Jimin did the same?That he chose to take his life away "
"Yes!! indeed,How can someone logically explain why he chose to drive when he doesn't know and the road he took was a deserted one.There are not much accidents reported"
"Are you serious? What if I say,he was only trying to learn driving and that's why he took a less crowded route"
"I agree with you,The Park Jimin I knew would never even think about taking his life"
"Are you sure you knew him well?"

The discussion panel went on in full rant.All five of them shouting back and forth,the mediator was struggling.Hoseok stood at the foot of the stairs frozen in moment.Clearly,his Dad had not seen him come down.His eyes focused on the photo of Jimin that kept flashing in and out on the TV screen.His sister walked in and for her utter horror saw Hoseok's face contorted in pain.She quickly turned off the TV as Mr.Jung turned around in question.
"Come,let's have dinner.",She tugged at his shirt and he followed.
"Are you sure you knew him well?"
That question did somersaults in his brain.

"Hyung,When we get old,Can I drop the honorifics?"

"Hyung,watch me",Jimin said adjusting his cap.Hoseok sipped from his bottle and nodded.The beat dropped and Jimin started moving elegantly.His hands and legs had their own life,the rhythm connected with his heart rather than his head.Hoseok loved the way Jimin danced,it was more of a contemporary style,then again,he was good at every styles.He was panting heavily as he landed on his feet,smiling widely.

"It's really good,These days you are working hard and it's turning out well"
"um so?"
"Am I ready to replace you as Dance leader"
"aah this rascal",Hoseok shouted as he chased a wicked Jimin around the room.They came to rest,as they were both tired big time.Jimin could see something was bothering Hoseok.He was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Is everything okay,Hyung?"
Hoseok emptied the whole bottle before speaking,"yeah,just a bit beat down"
Jimin waited giving Hoseok time to decide whether it's okay to share his concern.

"I am getting a lot of hate comments,I try to ignore",he swallowed,"I can't blame them,I don't fit the Idol concepts"
Jimin quickly jumped to his heels like a little boy.He looked frustrated.
"Hyung...really? Seriously,are you crazy? You are the most coolest of us all" Hoseok opened his mouth to protest but Jimin wasn't gonna buy any of it.
"Look here,hyung,some people takes loads of time to realize and when they do,they will regret.You are such an amazing dancer and you rap really well.I don't know anyone who could be as good as you.Haters will always hate,hyung.But remember there's not going to be Bangtan,if you are not there.So seriously,don't let it bring you down.I'd rather love to see your scary self than this,Smiling self is good too"

Hoseok laughed whole heartedly that evening,he was happy.It got only better when Namjoon walked in the middle of the night that day,asking him to check twitter and there the boy was,spelling his name out.

It got only better when Namjoon walked in the middle of the night that day,asking him to check twitter and there the boy was,spelling his name out

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Solemnly swearing his allegiance to his dear Hobi hyung.Hoseok had ran in search of Jimin,to hug the little rascal,only to find that he was practising,still in the company.Why was he hard on himself? Why didn't he believe he was amazing himself?

"Are you sure you knew him well?"

"Hoseok-aah",It was his Mother.All three of his family looked at him in concern,he had zoned out.He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't make words as his mother walked to him.He pressed his face against her,shaking.

The days weren't getting any better.Although they always wished to visit home while they were in work.They wanted to return real soon since they missed each other.That was how all  seven of them were like.Even Yoongi and Jungkook who barely texted can be found online,ready to jump into any conversation.

Nobody had said anything in the chat since.Namjoon swiped up the conversations.He was slowly forgetting how they used to be.Hoseok started most of the convos usually.Jimin and Jin soon gets excited about it.Namjoon smiled as he thought about the one time Jin made the lamest of jokes and Jimin laughed about it for days,making everyone to end up thinking Jin bribed him to do so.Turns out Jimin just had a bad humour sense.Those were the days,he used to be happy.He had been through a lot,waiting as a trainee dreaming and wondering whether he'd ever debut.He had felt sorry for himself when the 'so called hip-hop pros' spewed venom at his younger self.He had strived hard,he had never let anyone see his weekness.All the pain seemed to be gone,good days came...only to be snatched away yet again.

Although he would have chose some quiet time,he had to take care a lot of stuff.His mind was always in chaos.He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and whispered,

"Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

Dylan's verses always had given him strength.A small tear slid down his cheeks.He looked up at the darkening sky and said,"Nno Park Jimin,when I come up there,I am going to kick your ass".
Namjoon stupidly imagined Jimin laughing at him right then.

A/N:Please leave comments or I'll come hide under your bed till you do so...Eeks,creepy..Borahae

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