Chapter 7

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"He has been in his room for one whole week now,hadn't ate anything,had not bathed,He need to get over this"
"He needs time,Honey"
"But...Well,It hurts me to see him like this"
"It wouldn't hurt as much as he does"

Yoongi could hear his parents talk in the kitchen.But he didn't respond as he layed limp on the floor,face pressed against the cold floor.He shouldn't have come home.He should have stayed where there was always someone with him.Maybe Hoseok or Jin or someone.Atleast there, he pretended to be strong for his brothers.It was wrong to come to a place where he can be himself or where he had first hurt himself.

Everything in his room was disoriented.The blankets and pillows were on the floor.The food slid under the door yesterday,still there infested by ants.Posters torn when he had a meltdown in the morning.Pieces of paper,clothes and his keyboard littered on the floor.The room was dark since he had drawn all the curtains shut.He hadn't cried,not really.And hadn't slept too,which seemed almost impossible.He raised his head a little and smirked,looking at the corner of his room,"There you are"

Yes,there he was.That old friend,Yoongi had thought that was long gone but now he's back.With that treacherous look and red eyes,smiling wickedly,His demon.Yoongi pulled himself to a sitting position,his smirk still in place.He rolled up his left sleeve and slightly ran his finger on it.The faded dark on his pale skin.

"It will numb your pain"

"We are going live in 5 minutes,Everyone on standby",Somebody shouted and Namjoon straightened up in his seat.Jin stood behind the camera with Sejin hyung.His heart was hammering against his ribs as he watched the people on the panel.Some faces,he recognized,Some he didn't.Namjoon had stayed awake with Bangshihyuk Pd nim ,preparing hard for this.A slight slip of tongue can mess it all up but Jin believed in Namjoon.He always did.

"Alright,3 2 1",The director gestured,talking in low whisper.And the news reader took the cue.

"Good morning ,I am your host Lee Jinmyuk,Today we have some important personnals in our panel to discuss the forever hot topic that has shook the country,Park Jimin."

Jin hated Jinmyuk already.But Namjoon stayed normal as He went on and introduced the Panel.The whole of the world would be peering into their screens right now.
"So let's not beat around the bush and address the question that is been in everyone's head for a while now 'Why did Park Jimin take his life away?"

'WHAT!!',Jin's brain screamed,how the hell could this sh*tbag come to such conclusion but despite what's been said,Namjoon stayed calm.Jin was relieved that he wasn't the one called onto the news that day.He didn't hear what question was shot at Namjoon but Namjoon spoke in a polite manner,

"Before replying I would like to clear the misinformed words,I ,for one,believe it's neccessary that we talk with a base of true facts,not assumed or rumoured data.Jimin's death wasn't a suicide,He is not the kind of person to do something like wise"


"How can you be so sure? Do you think you knew him enough or was he close enough to share everything?",a bald man said shaking his pen at Namjoon.
"Yes",Namjoon said confidently,"Rather than saying he is a member of the band I am in,it'd be apt to say that he was my brother,we were family.And Jimin had always shared his concerns -"
"Concerns as in?",Jinmyuk asked.
"It is known for us and our fandom that Jimin had insecurities.He was unsure of his talents"

"Can I infer that this added upto the company pressure asking him to do better and that might have ended up in this tragic event?"
"No,You can't",Namjoon's voice didn't shake even a little bit,"I don't know about other entertainment industries but Bighit had never even once pushed us to any hurtful extent.They have always considered our side.This is just pure ignorance to build up stories of things that you don't know of"
"Alright if you insist"

"But Namjoon,Is that true when Jimin took the car,there was actually a fight prior to it ?",Jinmyuk said and Jin could swear he smirked a little.He desperatly wanted to bring Namjoon down or make him have a meltdown or simply prove a lie.The ratings were at peak,He was already getting all the attention he wanted.

"There was",Namjoon quietly agreed.
"With whom it was with and Do you think it drove him off the edge?",Jinmyuk rotated his pen twice between his fingers.
"We always have had fights,It's quite normal.We are humans and yes we did that morning too.But it wasn't anything big"

"So you are implying Jimin didn't do it?"
"Yes,I am.Jimin won't do something like that and ",He looked straight into the camera,"I hope people don't spread rumours and I came out here today to give you a closure.No matter what the media and so tell you,I hope you understand and realize what is truth and what is not,for you do know who Jimin was"

Jin knew that was meant for Armys,Yes,That's the only people who should know the truth and whatever others say doesn't matter.By the time the discussion was over and Namjoon got into the car with Jin as Sejin Hyung pulled into the driveway,he was tired.Pd nim called him to tell him that he did a good job.

"That evening we sat by the shore looking at the sky,the sun that was setting"

Jin leaned into his seat and said,"You did well,Namjoonah.You are right.Jimin would never take his own life"
Namjoon stayed silent for a while which made Jin nervous,He slowly turned around to look at Namjoon,who was looking outside the window,with tears down his face.
"Hyung...I,I think am wrong"

Slightly,a small cut,Just down the arm.
One ,Two...and many more

A/N:So I needed to get this news stuff out of the way,That's why I updated quickly.I wrote this through my lunch.I am giving you heads up,if you feel uncomfortable,please quit reading..But I'll try and keep the angst to the minimum.Just hang in there.Leave comments.

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