Chapter 6

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Death is inevitable,yes,but there are things that are more painful - Living on with a broken heart and hurtful memories, Leaving without goodbyes.The mere expectation of a come back or the difficulty to accept it finally.We keep hoping to wake up from this dream and go back in time when we travelled the flower paths.But eventually when moved on,Why do we feel guilty?

Jungkook stood on the threashold waiting for the door to open,His brother sat in the car outside the gate.The door clicked open and Jungkook turned around to signal his brother.
"I'll pick you in the eve",His brother said as he drove away.Jihyun stepped aside to let Jungkook in.Jihyun was one of Jungkook's closest friends,them being the same year added to it.Jimin saw Jungkook in place of Jihyun all those years,gave all the love he couldn't give to his own blood.Take him to school,buy him icecream,hear his silly rants,hug him out of the blue,Always tried hard to be the best brother.

They didn't say anything to each other until Jungkook settled himself onto the cozy couch.His eyes scanned the room,as an answer Jihyun said,"Mom and Dad went to visit grandma"

Jungkook nodded,maybe slightly relieved that they are not around,He wouldn't know what to say or how to comfort them.He was no Jin.Jihyun brought him something hot to drink before taking a seat opposite to him.After moments of silence Jihyun said,"When did you come?"
"Couple of days before",He stopped before continuing,"I feel like 'am going crazy,I needed to get out"
Jihyun knew how he was feeling,he nodded slowly.

"Hyung,slow down..Hyung",a 6 year old Jihyun was running behind his brother by the shore,screaming at the top of his lungs.His brother hopped off laughing loudly.
"Catch me,catch me Jihyunniee",
Jihyun couldn't breath properly but he still ran fast as his little legs could take,only to fall face first onto the sand,and it got into his eyes.He started sobbing,rubbing his eyes.His hyung had run to him quickly and pulled him up.He knelt infront of him.
"Let me blow the dust away,open your eyes"
Jihyun resisted but his brother took his hands away and blew into his eyes.
"Trust Hyung"
"Are you okay, Jihyunnie?",Jimin asked and the little one nodded through the tears.
Jimin hugged him,"No...Don't cry..Hyung is here.Everything is fine."
Yes,Everything is fine if Hyung is there,he makes all the boo-boos go away.
"Cha,Hold my hand,we will just walk"
The brothers linked their arms as the younger one started singing in broken hangul and his hyung joined.

This was quiet ordinary for Jihyun these days,Flashbacks of some broken memory.He hadn't spend much time with his hyung.It was just some old memories.But Jimin had promised,that he will come back and settle with him when he retires and they'll take the boat out to the open sea to fish with their Dad every week.Only 3 years were left.

"Sometimes I think,in some parallel universe,you are still alive"

"Everything is fine,if hyung is here",he whispered to himself.Jungkook raised his head,tired of looking at the patterns in the carpet.His eyes travelled onto the familiar household,he had been in several times with Jimin.He naturally got up and walked upstairs to Jimin's room.The door opened and the room looked just the same,like the way it was when he came last time.Only difference was that there were few boxes stacked on a corner and Jihyun who had followed said,"I brought all his stuff here yesterday"

So there they are,memories he made ,those he prided in sitting back on an arm chair in his old age and flip through or tell his grandchildren about.Only the memories are left for now.Jihyun passed Jungkook to open the cupboard by the bed.
"Mom sleeps in this room nowadays,She insisted that we keep it like this.I wanted to clean it,She won't let me...I found this couple of days ago",he said turning around after grabbing something off the cupboard.It was a big book,more like a giant journal.Jungkook sat on the bed where Jihyun set it down.

"What is it?"
"Hyung left this last time he visited.I think you should have this"
"Eventually they will look through his stuff and I don't want anyone else to see this"
"What is in it?Did you read?"
Jihyun nodded and Jungkook could swear he saw his eyes filled way too quickly.
"Read when you could",is all what Jihyun said setting the journal on Jungkook's lap and walking out of the room.Now,Jungkook sat alone debating himself about what was in there,His hands literally shivered as he flipped open the book.On the front page there was a small profile,below it read,

"Caution: This contains my stupid thoughts"

A small smile flickered in the corner of Jungkook's lips.He flipped to the next page of the journal.He had all day and no rush so he let his drink get cold.


Jin was immersed in his book when he got a call,he was still in Seoul since they had moved from Gwacheon ages ago.So to be truthful,he wasn't well away from the media,which made it hard for him to even step out of his front door.Occasionally there would be someone on his tail or hiding behind the bushes.Eventhough it irritated him,he would only politely ask them to leave.Since that wasn't happening,he was confined to his house.

"Namjoonah",Jin addressed.
"Hyung,am coming back to Seoul."
"Why?You didn't even get proper rest.Why is it neccessary?It's only been 3 days"
"I promised Pd nim I'll make it right with all the rumours going around,the thing is I can't go to our home,Can I stay with you?"
"Ofcourse Joonie,Mom would be fine with it"
Assuring that Namjoon will reach by next evening,Jin cut the phone going back to reading,

"Butterflies are the most beautiful,They don't live long but as long as they do,they spread happiness"

A/N: would you believe me if I said I forgot I was re editing this book...well,I did

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