Chapter 3

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"That star can't even hold itself up,then how can it grant your wish"

"Taehyungiee,where are you?",His voice echoed in the hallway.
Taehyung quickly wiped off his tears on his sleeves and sniffed.All this broken mess is only for him to see.Noone should know who he is.They will hate him if they did or so he thought.He wanted everyone to keep onto the made-up impression that he let them see,as the social butterfly,cheerful boy.
"Taehyungaaah...",His friend called out in a sing-song voice.He cleared his throat and made sure his face is not that bad and obvious,put on his cap and called back.
"Am here,Jiminaah."
Jimin heard it.He looked confused as he walked into the toilet.
"I have been looking for you all over the place,What are you doing here?"
"Why do people come here, idiot? to pee ofcourse",Taehyung said,a tint of laughter in his voice.

Jimin looked so cheerful today.What's gotten him on cloud nine?
He started,"Yaa,Do you know what Jihyun told me today?"
Taehyung was gonna reply that he had no idea when Jimin caught him.Jimin grabbed his hat off to reveal his red face.
His smile faded off quickly,in a nick of a time.
"Were you crying ?",Jimin asked in concern
"No..Why would I?"
"Tell me,What happened?You know you can tell me everything,am your bestfriend",Jimin said,placing his hand on his shoulder.
Taehyung tried with all his strength to not cry but he failed.Thick tears rolled down his cheeks and he made no attempt to wipe it off.He looked like a baby when he cried,so much in pain.He pressed his palm against his forehead,sinking onto the floor.Jimin came down to sit with him and  reached out to his face and wiped the tears off.
"Don't cry.. it's baby...",He patted Taehyung's back.

"I've got you"

Jimin didn't have solutions for any of Taehyung's concerns.But it hurted him,that his friend has to go through a lot,alone.

Jimin said,"You don't have to pretend infront of me.I will love you no matter what..I won't judge you..Eish,we are soulmates ,remember?"
"Yaa,why are you crying?"
"No,I didn't.Let's go now,Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung were having a dance battle"
Jimin ruffled Taehyung's hair and helped him up off the floor and hugged him.
It felt okay,It felt like happiness,hope.
"What were you saying when you came in?"
"Ah,Jihyun told me,there was a poster with my face in Busan.He took a photo of it,wanna see?"

The voices of the 19 year olds echoed in distance,in the darkness.Like it happened yesterday.Taehyung sat on the floor with his face pressed against the cold wall,staring at the threashold of the toilet.How many nights  had Jimin walked in,kissed on his temple,ruffled his hair,hugged him.Told him silly jokes to make him feel better.He is going to walk in any minute.With his silly pout.Taehyung could let his gaurds down.He will sit next to him,listen to his worries and make him feel alright.He still looked expectantly at the door.His eyes blood red.He is not coming,He won't be coming.

"Jiminaah",Taehyung whispered.
His heart ached at the name.He can't handle this pain and he don't know what will numb this pain.The one who could make it alright is dead,f*cking dead and it made him anxious,his heart sank.
"Jiminaaah",He raised his voice a bit.

"Ya...Jiminaah",He screamed.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU,JIMINAAAH?",He clutched his hair.He wanted to escape this.Close his eyes and turn back time.
His screams had caught someone's attention.Namjoon came in running,and Taehyung looked up at him like a lost puppy,helpless.Namjoon knelt by him as Taehyung grabbed his hands.
"Hyung,what do I do?"

"Will you be like everyone else too? Remember me for some days and forget me eventually?would it be like I never even existed?"

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"Will you be like everyone else too? Remember me for some days and forget me eventually?would it be like I never even existed?"

The day was long,He had been laid to rest in a  beautiful place,where there were lots of red leaved trees,blood red leaves everywhere.Everything about it was perfect.All of it felt distant for Hoseok as he took the ride back to home.There were only six now.He couldn't help as his eyes darted to the place where Jimin usually sat.Nobody spoke as they got home.Hoseok walked into his bedroom and climbed under his blankets without changing his suit.He closed his eyes and remembered what Namjoon said in the eulogy,

"They say God calls his favorite people early,And he certainly was.Not just God's.Everyone's.He carried happiness around with him.No matter how much  hardships he had,insecurities he faced,he made sure everyone around him was happy.I remember him walking into our  dormitory as a trainee clutching his bag,nervous...He was so small.I have seen him work day and night.He always wanted to be better than yesterday and that's what he would want for us too.To be better than yesterday..He was not just a member.He was a brother,friend and he always deserved better.Now he is in a better place.Don't live in memories,he wouldn't want us to do that.But we will always carry a part of his memories to cherish.I'll miss him...loads...I'll remember him as the amazing person that he was.Death is not the end,there's something that goes beyond Death and that's Love.That's what he taught us too.To love unconditionally.He wouldn't want us to spend our days suffering,in life and in death.Let's live on past this pain and as long as he is watching over us,we will be fine,Jiminaa,We love you
,You will always be missed"

Let's live on past this pain and as long as he is watching over us,we will be fine,Jiminaa,We love you,You will always be missed"

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"I was talking to you yesterday about the airplanes.I was telling you I wanted to fly too"

Hoseok didn't know how long he stayed like that,staring at the ceiling.What do I do? He kept thinking and got up in alarm as someone screamed in distance that broke his heart,


He asked the same,

"Jiminie,where are you?"

A/N:Leave comments if you like it.
PS:The pic I used in this chapter is my bestie's work..Go ahead and follow her in insta @aish.artz ..She is daebak.

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