Chapter 23

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The night had came to an end.Jin slept leaning against the glass as they travelled home.His head was continously swaying,hitting against the frame.Everyone had their eyes on Jin and It was Yoongi who finally spoke up,"We should tell him".The others nodded.He needs to know so he could finally stop blaming himself for Jimin's death.He needs to know that it wasn't a suicide.He slept on oblivious to the truth,his face holding the agony.Jungkook who sat next to him slowly shifted Jin's head onto his own shoulder,keeping his hand under the chin to prevent falling.

"I wanna be the one to tell him",he sighed.They all silently agreed to it.They will tell him but it will have to wait for now.

Namjoon woke up to the slight thud and light murmuring.He squinted his eyes against the light flooding through the window.He raised his head a bit to see Sejin hyung carrying two bags out of the room.Namjoon got up all of a sudden,startling Jin who was checking the drawers.Jin sat down clutching his RJ plushie opposite to Namjoon.Namjoon was trying his best to make sense of what was happening.Jin's belongings had dissapeared.What left was some figurines and the neatly set bed.Namjoon fought hard to make words,"What's going on?"

"I am leaving",Jin said failing to meet Namjoon's eyes.
Namjoon was clearly shocked.He wanted to say so many things,he wanted to ask so many things,instead his eyes just popped out as he sat froze.He opened his mouth several times.

"Bang Pd nim told me yesterday that you and Minhyu stopped the report from coming out",Jin smiled gratefully.Namjoon thought back to the morning at Jungkook's home when he woke up from his friend,Minhyu's call when she let him know Lee Jinmyuk had false reports about Jimin and the happenings of that night.

"Although I deserve this pain,it wouldn't have done good to Bangtan.Jinmyuk wouldn't have let us hear the end of it",Jin smiled nervously.
"But Hyung it's not what you think it is,Jimin's death has nothing to do with you",Namjoon managed to say,scared he will be interrupted before he was finished.Jin smiled again,"You don't have to say that.But thankyou"


"I'll wake the others,come to the living room",With that Jin left Namjoon alone to ponder a room that showed no sign that anyone else except him ever existed there.His head was spinning,he was sure he was getting a panic attack.He breathed deeply as he got up and followed Jin.
Contrary to the last time Jin called them up ,this time they all look alerted.Maybe a tired Sejin loading bags in the car could be the cause.Namjoon came down to sit with Taehyung,Jungkook was seated at the end.Hoseok and Yoongi sat down as Jin stood,facing them.He had a painful smile.

"What's all this,Hyung?",Yoongi asked.
"It's time for me to go",Jin said.
They exchanged confused looks as Jungkook spoke up,"Hyung don't make any haste decisions like this,Jiminie Hyung -"
"It's not cause of him -"
"It is,Let me explain Hyung",Jungkook was getting anxious.How could Jin come to such a quick conclusion.And it was all his fault that Jin was feeling this way.Blaming himself every other day.Jungkook has to make it right.But before he opened his mouth again,Jin had pulled out a yellow envelop from his jacket and placed it on the table,infront of them.

Everyone knew what it meant,Ofcourse they'd know.And Jin had pushed this loads so they knew he had no other choice.Maybe that's why Taehyung sprang from his seat,Pulling Jin into a hug.
"Hyung, Don't go",Taehyung whispered.
But Jin has to go,to join the Armed forces of Hanguk.It's time for him to serve his country.There's no stopping it or ignoring it and from what they saw he was ready for this.

"When?",Namjoon breathed out.
"In two days",Jin's voice was weirdly very low.His hands ran circles on Taehyung's back.Yoongi stood up,startling the others and extended his hands out to Jin,who shook it.
"I'll make many songs for you",he said,his voice carrying no emotion.Jin smiled before pulling Yoongi into a hug.Hoseok was the next one to say something.
"I'll miss you,Hyung.Don't be too long",Jin  welcomed his hug.They stood there for a while taking each other's warmth and love. Namjoon was still trying to calm his panic attack and Jin could easily read the symptoms.He sat next to Namjoon,wrapping his left hand over Namjoon and just waited.

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