Chapter 4

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At a dusky park
A nameless bird  sings
Where are you
Oh you

Why are you crying
You and I are the only ones here
Me and you
Oh you

-4 O' clock

Yoongi had been awake for hours but he didn't want to get off the bed yet.He sat up straight,his gaze lingering to Hoseok's side for few seconds.The dawn was breaking,he could see the little light spread slowly across the sky and the birds chirping through the creak of the window.He has never been this early,unless he had work to do.Even then it's not like he slowed down to observe the world outside.Namjoon and Jin were talking late into the night,their low murmurs were barely audible.But Yoongi knows what they were talking about.It's only been some days,Bang Pd nim had asked them to return to their hometowns and stay there for some time,away from the media and chaos.

Namjoon was concerned about Jungkook.Jungkook and Jimin loved to take the rails to home.They liked it better than flying.Yoongi offered to take him to Busan and Jungkook had quietly agreed.Yoongi got out of the bed,slightly tripping over the fluffball near his bedfoot.It was Yeontan.Yoongi scooped him up as he walked out to the backyard.Tannie curled into his arms,cozy.Jin was already sitting in the backyard,near the coffee table.Sure, Jin was someone who woke up early but this was way too early even for him.He had his eyes transfixed onto a small book.He nodded as Yoongi sat opposite to him.
Seeing Yoongi scan the front cover,Jin said,"Eomma said reading would help".

Yoongi nodded,running his hand through Tannie's soft mane.
"When's everyone leaving?",Yoongi asked.
Jin pulled his hoodie over his head as he answered,"Hobi's sister will pick him in the morning.Namjoon and I will be leaving by lunch.Tae insisted he wants to go alone."

"Will he be okay? I am more worried about him than anybody else",Yoongi admitted.
"Honestly I don't know.I hope he gets better.I hope we all get better"

Yoongi kept quiet for a moment,he wasn't sure about himself.It was a treacherous road of depression that he had travelled.He didn't want to go back.Yoongi flipped his arm from under Tannie to look at his faded long lost scars.Jin's eyes had followed his gaze and he said,"Please "
Yoongi nodded, assuring him.
"Bang Pd nim says everyone needs to go into therapy when we are back",Jin said,his gaze now fixed on the small raven perched on the yard fence.
"We are coming back,right?"
"We are"

"I want you to be your light,baby
You should be your light
So you won't hurt anymore, so you can smile more
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
I'll be honest with you tonight"


Namjoon,Jin and Hoseok had left.Jungkook sat in the back seat with Yoongi heading to the Station like he wanted.Taehyung didn't come out to bid them bye. Jungkook was concerned asking Taehyung to go with them.Taehyung had refused flat out.The car pulled away.

The big house stood silent.There were no usual blasts of music or high pitched laughter.Taehyung checked the time and realized he still got hours till he board.His phone chimed,One of them had tweeted.It probably would be Namjoon.

"Sorry,we had to cancel the concert.Hope you will understand and hoping we will get through this hard time,together

Taehyung tossed his phone over to the couch as the tweet started getting crowded reponses.Sympathy...Words of sympathy,Looks of sympathy..Did someone really care?He had not packed his bags,simply cause he was scared to enter the room.He opened the door cautiously,half expecting to see Jimin curled up in his lower bunk.Tannie accompanied him,close to his heels.Jungkook's giant blanket was folded neatly on his bed.Someone had cleaned the room.The three bags they packed for the concert sat by the window,untouched.He had heard Jin hyung talk over the phone that Jihyun would be coming to get Jimin's things in few days,means by the time he returns,everything will be gone.

"Everything will be gone,like breath on a mirror"

He hesitated before he pulled Jimin's closet door open,The arrays of shirts,pants,jackets.Everything that had his odour on.The drawer had the photo album,stacks of memories,hand-written letters,gifts from fans and a lot other things.On the top shelf,neatly folded was a white Gucci shirt,Taehyung's gift on his birthday.He sat on the floor with the shirt in his hand,stumbling and bringing down the stacks of photos with him.It was getting hard to breath as he hugged the shirt,his eyes scanning the photos that fell.Tannie let out a painful bark,as if he knew what Taehyung was feeling.On top sat a photo taken way back in 2014,The goofy selves of them throwing gang signs,under which Jimin had neatly scribbled,

"Soulmates forever"

Pain,It is still amazing how a thought,a worry can affect a human physically.What is the theory behind it even?Why does the heart feels like someone clenched it hard and the air around feels like being sucked out?Why does the tears flow?Just why?

Taehyung rocked back and forth as he screamed.Could his voice break past the living world to reach Jimin? When will he be able to see him again? Tell him things he wanted to,that it was stupid of him to blame himself after every perfomance and he was the best singer Taehyung had ever known and many more.Taehyung wanted the pain to stop but if the pain stops,does that mean he is over Jimin.Maybe let the pain stay.This is the thing about love,right?

Jungkook gazed out the window,once again.Spring day playing in his ear.He seriously didn't understand why Pd nim thought it was a good idea to send them to hometown.They still are coming back to the same pain all over again.He pulled his earphones off.
"Hyung",He turned to look at Yoongi.
Yoongi was trying to sleep,unsuccessful looked at Jungkook.

"Jiminie hyung didn't know to drive",Jungkook said slowly hesitating to think back to his concern.But it was bothering him since it happened.

Yoongi nodded,Driving was hard for Jimin.Even when Namjoon took his license,it was the only thing Jimin had given upon.All six of them had given up along with him.

Then...Is it true what they say?"
"The media ..that he took his own life"

"It always happens when we think everything is perfect,Isn't it?"

A/N:Hi,It's me,your charming author nim.Hope you are liking it..Borahae

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