Chapter 10

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It was one of those calls Jin made as a routine to the five of them,Yoongi was still not picking up his calls.Right now he was talking to Namjoon.Jin was already tired of sitting around,his mind going in infinite circles,Days had become weeks and now they were becoming months.Jin needed to get out of this horrible times,and if possible wanted to sing again.But he was ashamed to admit that only because others would misunderstand what his heart actually desired.

"So you are saying we need to go back when this month ends?",Jin said sitting down on his chair that faced the garden outside.
"Yeah,Before we make a public appearance it is neccessary we heal.We are going to attend the counselling sessions"
"It's a good thing,but how long is it gonna take?"
"I have no idea,weeks,months maybe a year or more",Namjoon sighed and Jin's eyes caught a small bird flying around his garden.His gaze followed it.His thoughts wandered slowly with it.
"You okay,Hyung?",Namjoon asked unsure.

"I am.I am just worried about others.Jungkook was acting different.Tae and Hobi barely speaks and Yoongi,I have no idea about him"
"Should we go check on him?",Namjoon asked,his voice faltering.
"I have asked someone his brother's number.He was away from home.I'll call him"
"Let me know"
By that they ended their conversation.Jin swiped into his chat and sure the number was there.He dialled and brought the phone to his ears again.

"If you had a chance to start it all over again,will you still do it?"
"Every single time"

Hoseok sat on his front steps watching his sister play with Mickey,It chased her around and the atmosphere filled with Da won's laughter.He pulled his phone out of his pocket,swiped into their chatroom.There had not been a single message ever since.He debated whether he should say something but he didn't know how the others were feeling.The only one he had talked to was Jin  all through the last two weeks.He accidentally swiped into Jimin's private chat.Hoseok was startled by what he had done.

"Hyung,I got caught
up in traffic,
I'll be a little late"

was his last message.Yes,he was late that day to practice.Hoseok had waited two full hours before he came running in,panting and frequently apologizing.He had looked tired,maybe that's why Hoseok refrained from scolding him.He let him off with a warning before they started with the choreography.He didn't have the courage to swipe the messages up,instead his eyes moved onto Jimin's display picture.It was one with an annoyed Jungkook.A smile spread unknowingly on Hoseok's lips.And soon the corner of his lips dipped down.Reality has a cruel way of doing it.
His thumb hovered over the keyboard,he typed in and hit send.

Are you there?
Hyung misses you

The cursor blinked as he kept staring at those words.What if a reply pops up.A cheeky sassy reply,which will eventually say that he misses Hoseok too.Nothing happened,nothing changed.Not the moment,not the weather,not even the way Mickey chased Da won.He folded his legs close to his body and hung his head into his hands.Da won noticed Hoseom and made her way to sit beside him.She put an arm around his shoulder,Mickey had followed curling into her lap.
"I thought you were getting fine",She whispered lowly and sighed.

There was going to be a meeting next week.Bang pd nim had send out notifications to all six of them.Although the contract was still on for a 3 more years,he didn't want to force them onto anything.If they chose to continue,he will have their back and if they chose to disband,he will still support them.He had to deal with a lot of stuff these past weeks plus the guilt ate him alive.He pour another glass of alcohol and added some cubes.He sat and stared at it for a while before downing it in one stretch.He threw the glass at the  wall where it hit and shattered.His girlfriend came running from the other room.After making sure he isn't hurt ,she started picking up the glass pieces.
"Don't",Bangshihyuk said as he staggered onto her side,"you will cut yourself"
But she didn't back off,she said," How long are you going to blame yourself? You all are blaming yourself, I don't get it"
Bangshihyuk stood rooted,slightly swaying to sides.
"We can't change anything what happened.Then why are you stuck in 'what if' and 'I could have' .Let it go",she picked up the last piece and left to the kitchen,her tears threatening to flow out.The apartment fell into silence again.

"So I left to a place where you can't follow"

Miles away to the south of Seoul,a door banged open.Someone screamed as Guemjae rushed to pick his brother up,shouting for an ambulance.His shirt was smeared by blood in all possible places.His mother was crying and whispering something frantically under her breath,"What kind of a mother am I?"
Yoongi looked up at his brother,smirking but sadness clouded his eyes,"why?"
Guemjae pressed his forehead against his brother's
"Hold on"
His heartbeat slowed down and a peace spread over Yoongi's face,as his eyes closed.

A/N:Hope you guys are enjoying,Um,wrong word..Defo not enjoying.

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