Chapter 18

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Jin turned the letter between his fingers  a couple of times before shoving it into the drawer.He knows what it is and he didn't want to face it yet.But it was not something he can turn blind eyes to.He got up and grabbed his coat and car keys,setting his mind for another drunk night.Hoseok and Yoongi were probably already on bed,Namjoon and Jungkook were in studio working on something.Jungkook's angelic voice cut through the  atmosphere at times.Jin's gaze lingered onto the studio door upstairs for a while.

Jin was about to get into his car,when his phone chimed.It must be his mother,but  he chose to ignore it.He'll call her later,maybe tomorrow or sometime in the week.He didn't have the heart to make conversation as he drove off into the night.His heart was clouded with everything that is dark.The yellow lights on the road shimmered as he drove by,the cold wind pushing his hair back to reveal his forehead through the open window. 'Scenery' playing in the background almost sounding distant.How he ended up there would forever remain a mystery,yet there he was.

This road,the one Jimin took when he left...This road,and to Jin's own shock he turned around the steering to the entrance of the sinful road,the less travelled,the dark one,the one where he lost his brother.Just few miles away.His hand shivered on the steering wheel.

I should have been the one

An anger build up in his body that urged him to swerve into the turn with a velocity the car could muster.He wanted to end it too,it was not just because he was broken but was there anyone who didn't think of ending their life atleast once.He shifted the gear and glared into the darkness ahead and his phone roared again.It was like he was shook out of an evil trance,he was panting and sweating as he braked hard.He pressed his head against the steering wheel letting himself cry.There was noone here,He was allowed to cry.Thick tears made it's way down his nose and occasionally Jin gasped for breath.The phone didn't give up,it kept ringing.Jin swallowed and took a breath,hoping he would sound as normal as possible.

It wasn't his mom,It was Taehyung.
"Hyung..",Taehyung's deep yet soft voice travelled through the reciever.
"Tae-Taehyungiee,What happened?Are you alright?,"Jin bit his lips hard to not let himself break down.
"Hyung,Can you pick me up from Minho Hyung's home?",Taehyung said,his voice sounded urgent.
That alerted Jin and he quickly wiped his tears off,on his sleeve.
"What happened,Taehyungaah?",Jin repeated,worried.
"Actually nothing,I wanted to come home.Hyungs are asleep,I don't wanna wake them up"
"I miss you,Hyung",Taehyung cut off Jin.Jin let out the breath,he was unknowingly holding in.
"I'll be there in a bit",Jin cut the phone.He took one last glance at the dark road ahead before turning the car back into the highway.

In a moment,it could have all been taken away.'I miss you ,Hyung' those words echoed and wandered aimlessly in Jin's head.Was he being selfish when he decided it was the end a while ago? Was it okay to knowingly lead your brothers to face the same tragedy? No,it was not.Not atleast for Jin.Since when have Jin ever lived for himself ?!


"We didn't start this journey,hoping to have someone by our side at all times.",Minho said as he turned around in his bed to face Taehyung.Taehyung found the bedspread interesting as he tried to pull out threads off the sides.
"It's not fair",He mumbled.
"Look at me,Taehyungie",Minho sat up and Taehyung followed suit.

"Us humans are fools,real fools you know.We keep looking at that road that they had walked away.Hoping maybe they will come back.Dreaming about them and waking up to find our hands still empty.Thinking we could have done something about it.But could any of it change what happened?"

Taehyung looked up to meet Minho's eyes and shook his head slowly.

"Meanwhile we lose what we have.People just forget that,this is all the life we've got.This one life where I met you,you met me.In millions of people alive,you chose to come into my life.And I cherish you,every moment with you.Cause you know what? Tomorrow I might not get the chance.One of us might fade into the time.So Don't lose what you have now for what you have lost.One day,we'll all meet again,somewhere far,somewhere more peaceful",A tear slipped down Minho's eyes to the bed and he quickly wiped off the rest.

"You miss him,Hyung?",Taehyung asked,his gaze never leaving Minho.
"Every day-",Minho said as he brought his hand over his eyes.


Yoongi woke up to someone squirming close to him.He turned around to see Taehyung's peaceful face beside him.Yoongi smiled to himself as he reached out to toussle Taehyung's hair.
Taehyung smiled as he scooted closer to his hyung.
"You are early",Yoongi said in his hoarse morning voice.
"I missed you all",Taehyung said and Yoongi hesitated but still pressed a kiss on Taehyung's head.

"I did too"

"Hyung,Tae...Namjoon wants us for something",Hoseok interrupted them and waited for the two to join him.Hoseok threw his hands over Taehyung,he adored that human being.Surprisingly Jin was up early,probably the lack of alcohol in his system and the hang over that followed.Jungkook sat opposite to Jin,struggling to avoid eye-contact.They haven't spoken to each other since that night.Taehyung plopped onto the couch close to Jungkook,lovingly pulling at his hand.Yoongi sleepily rubbed his eyes as he took his seat between Hoseok and Jin.
Namjoon looked around at them,smiling a little at Taehyung.He had missed him and it gave him happiness that Taehyung was back where he can take care of him.That boy needs to be protected from everything that is evil.

He rubbed his hands together as he began,"I am sorry to call you all out so early,But Pd nim wanted to know what you think.Well -"
"What is it,Namjoon?you can tell us anything ",Yoongi asked impatiently as Namjoon kept beating around the bush.He cleared his throat,"Pd nim was telling me if we wanna conduct a small Army meet"

Hoseok's  mouth turned into a perfect 'O'.
"No performing or anything,Just -",Namjoon quickly added reading Hoseok's mind and trailed off.
"Armys had been supporting us,we should be there for them too",Yoongi said and Taehyung nodded along.
"Jin hyung?! Jungkook?!",Namjoon looked in between them.Jungkook nodded lightly as Jin got up.

"Am okay with it,But Can you.. like rush it?",He asked, folding his hand.
"Why,anything wrong hyung?",Hoseok noticed Jin's body getting tensed up but he managed to keep calm.
"It's soon time for me to leave"
"Hyung-",Jungkook began shocked,already blaming himself.He was the reason for Jin having a mere thought of it.But Jin had interrupted before he could come up with an apology.
"It's not what you think,Jungkook",was all Jin said as he grabbed keys and announced he was off to see his mom and took off.

Jungkook averted his eyes to the floor,his  insides crippling with regret.Taehyung rubbed his back,trying to calm him down.Namjoon said as Yoongi proceeded to get up,"There's something else too",Namjoon looked around at them meeting their eyes briefly.

"About Jimin,What he hid,What we hid"

Jungkook raised his head a little to see Yoongi sitting back.The thing he always wanted to know  but now,it seemed like he never wanted to,not anymore.Namjoon looked like he wanted to run away to some alternate world,where everything was okay.Where Jimin was still alive.

Only if that was possible.

A/N:Hi my Lovely Lovely readers,You guys are amazing.Thanks for all the support.This chapter was kind of a filler yet needed.

And warning :Be ready with a tissue box for the next chapter.Love you all

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