Chapter 13

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They were staying the night in Busan,the next day they had a meeting with Pdnim there,away from all the commotion.Taehyung,Hoseok and Jin stayed at Jimin's place while the rest of them went to Jungkook's home.Namjoon thought back to what Jin had told him a million times,"Take care of Yoongi,Never leave his side".No questions asked,Namjoon agreed.

Hoseok had fell asleep on Jihyun's bed as soon as they got home.He was very tired,these days he slept a lot.Jin took off the younger's shoes and socks,adjusted his head onto a pillow.He pressed a kiss on his temple and Hoseok mumbled something as he turned to his sides.Jin came out to see Taehyung lying down on the couch.Jimin's Mom and Dad hadn't been back yet,Jihyun sat by the other side,deep in thought.
"Do you still have those old bikes,Jihyunie?",Jin asked.Jihyun looked confused but nodded,"Yeah,in the garage"

"Can we take it out for a ride?",Jin said tousseling Taehyung's hair.
"we?",Taehyung asked him in confusion but Jin already grabbed Taehyung's arms and followed Jihyun to the garage.Taehyung reluctantly joined as Jin passed him the helmet as he perched onto Jimin's bike.Taehyung got on Jihyun's bike as Jin set off.
"Be back before Mom's back",Jihyun called out.Jin shouted a 'yes' back.
Any thought Taehyung had against this bike ride was gone as he rode parting the air,the evening was cold,like the aftermath of a peaceful rain.His fringe danced in the air,his hands grew numb on the handle.But he liked the feeling,he smiled.

Jin took a left and Taehyung knew where he was heading to and followed.
"Jin hyung",he called out but Jin didn't hear as he went farther away.Taehyung put strength onto his pedals.The road divided into left and right with the sea straight ahead.Jin got down as he raised his bike over the little fence parting the road and the shore.Taehyung followed suit.
He parked his bike near,took off his helmet and walked over to Jin hyung who was now on his toes to a bench,far away from the shore but still capturing the sea in all it's beauty.He lowered himself slowly onto the bench as Taehyung joined him.Taehyung was bit out of breath but he managed to let out,"why?"

"I wanted to ",was all Jin said stretching his legs and relaxing on the bench.There wasn't much they had to converse about.So they sat there as the sun lazily drowned itself into the sea.The horizon looked like a mental breakdown of an artist,colors splashed in all directions and in all possible ways.Both of them gave into the touch of the breeze and the rhythm of their heartbeats.Taehyung looked like a lost child as he looked around.Jin slowly placed his hands over Taehyung's and Taehyung stopped.He turned around to look at Jin and noticed that he looked like he was going to cry any minute.But he didn't.Instead he smiled.Tae looked at him confused,"Are you okay?"

Jin nodded letting out a sigh.
"Are you?"
Taehyung just shrugged.They fell silent again.This time Taehyung decided to break the silence,"It's okay,Hyung"

Jin tilted his head a bit,and stared at Taehyung.
"You know,It wasn't your fault.People say stupid things when they are angry."
Jin nodded not knowing what to say,maybe Taehyung is right.It might not be his fault.
"What are you gonna say at the meeting tomorrow?",Jin asked clearly not wanting to venture on the topic more.It was only his domain to get lost in.Taehyung fell silent,thinking what he would say when Pdnim asks that question.

"Do you want Bangtan to go on or finish it here?"

What did he want?What would Jimin do if he was in his place.Taehyung turned his head to the right and smiled a little,"What would have you done?"
"Whom are you talking to?",Jin asked confused since there was noone to Taehyung's right.
"To myself",Taehyung said quietly and they fell silent again.

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