The Element of Surprise

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So here I am: Jetleg and all...I'm finding myself standing here...the place where I left my heart-- just a year ago...

Standing here I get the flash back: Kids standing in a circle around us......I remember...

The kiss.

"Oh Queen of my heart, I've returned for you." I whisper to myself. I walk in to the building, hoping, praying I see her.

"I need you, Elsa Marcus"....

Again my phone vibrates in my pocket. Kirstie this time.

"Hey Scott." "Hi Kirstie. How are things there?" "They're ok." Kirstie's gentle voice calms me down for a while. "And Mitch?" "He's still in a mood, but its ok. That's why I called. He and the others said they're 100% behind you with this." Kirstie says. "Really? Thank you!" Suddenly the school bell rings. "Hey, I have to go. Love you guys." "Love you too Scott. Oh and Scott?" Kirstie stops me.

"Yes?" "You really love her, don't you?" On that I close my eyes and see Elsa again. I keep my eyes closed and reply:

"More than she'll ever know"

"Ok. Bye now! And be careful!!" Kirstie says and hangs up. I put my phone back in my pocket and start walking to the door. I turn and suddenly stop in my tracks. The memory comes back instantly....

"You're Elsa, right?" I remember how she couldn't get a word out. "Yes." And then the hug. I didn't want to let go.

I still don't.


"...and the lighting was fantastic!! They deserved the win." My one friend was saying to my drama teacher. I didn't really listen to most of it. My mind is too stuck on Scott. I can't get him out of my head.

"Yes, but the acting wasn't on point, Anya. I bet you Elsa could've done a little better." My train of thought stopped when I heard my name. "Sorry, what?" "Ma'm just said you would've done a better job than Chelsea did." Anya said smiling. "Oh...thanks."

Suddenly the intercom turns on and the announcements are made. Then suddenly:

"Elsa Marcus must please come to fetch something at the office."

Suddenly my head is spinning. What can it be?

The bell rings and I take my time to get to the office. If words could explain to you how nervous I am I would tell you. Finally I get to the foyer of the school all and walk down the passage to the office. I turn left, and I'm stopped in my tracks. I didn't come to fetch something. Someone came to see ME.

"Hi there Elsa." Scott says as he give me the warmest hug yet.

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