Closing in on "Goodbye"

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Scott and Elsa's parents are all sitting in the waiting room as the doctor and nurses examine Elsa, just to make sure everything will be ok. While they wait, mom is paging through some magazines and dad is just sitting there, staring in the distance. Scott is sitting there with his head in his hands. Will Elsa be ok? Are there any damages? When will she be discharged? Most of all: What happens now?

Finally the doctor comes out and he speaks to the assistant. She gets up and walks out the door while the he walks to them. "Ahem..." He tries for their attention. Scott is the first to look up. He taps on Mrs Marcus' shoulder and she gets her husbands attention. The moment has finally arrived.

"Well, I have good news, and I have bad news." He starts. "I'll start with the bad news. Elsa..." He stops. " too weak to be discharged so soon. But the good news is that there is no brain damage." With relief Scott gets up and hugs the doctor. Once again he cannot control his tears. Mom and dad joins in the hug.

"May we see her?" Elsa's mom asks. "Yes, but only two at a time." They look at Scott. "Honey, you and Scott go first." Jeremy says. "Are you sure, sir?" "You have been there for my daughter, why you saved her life. Its the least I can do." "Ok. Thank you sir." Scott says as they walk to Elsa's room.

"Hey Mom!" Elsa says as soon as she sees them walking in. Then she spots Scott. "Scott...hey" she says with a smile. "Sing for me again?" "Nah, not now Elsa" he says laughing. Then he moves closer and whispers in her ear: "maybe tonight." "Ok, ok. I'll wait." Then there was silence. "How do you feel?" Mom asks. "I'm ok, mom. Relax. It feels as if I've been in one deep sleep. I feel fresh, new..." She looks at Scott. "Safe."

Then a nurse comes in and walks to Elsa's bed. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." She says, walking with the nurse's help.

"So,tell me Scott...." "Yeah." "What did happen in that year since you first left?"

Scott closes his eyes to remember.

"Well, we got to the airport. I remember refusing to get on that plane. But Mitch convinced me. All the way from PE to Johannesburg.....Elsa was stuck on my mind. From Johannesburg to back home....same thing."

"And then?" Mom asks.

"For that whole week......everything I did.....everything I saw......there was ALWAYS something that reminded me of her. Especially.....'All of me'...." He says.

"And after that?"

"Things started to go back to normal. But in the back of my head, the thought of her was still there. I kept dreaming of her. I told Mitch once that we have to visit her, but we were so busy with PTX and Superfruit...and then just the other day...."

"You decided to come." Mom finishes his sentence.

"Enough was enough. One more day without her....." Scott wipes his eyes. "....I don't want to leave her again. I'll fight to stay with her."

At that moment Elsa and the nurse comes back and she's being laid down again. Scott moves and sits beside her, holding her hand.

"What about Elsa?" Scott asks. "Well, why don't you ask her yourself?"

"What? What are you talking about?" "The year that passed since I left you, Elsa."

"Oh, you mean the days I couldn't sleep, or eat? The days I wrote hundreds of letters and poems but never sent a single one? The days I prayed that I'll see you again? The days those words repeated like a broken record in my head?....'Elsa Marcus, I crown you...'"

"....Queen of my heart. Did you really...?"

"Yes Scott. You occupied my mind the entire time."

For a long time there was silence. Neither of then said a single word. They all tried to find their words. Then suddenly:

"So, what now Scott?" Elsa asks. Scott holds her hand tighter, he's also asking that very same question.

"Now.....I will fight to stay with you."


"So we got another chance? They just changed the dates?" Scott asked Mitch. He, Kirstie, Avi and Kevin were sitting in a coffee shop with Scott. "Yes. Again, you'll have to choose. Fame or Elsa."

Scott sat there, with a million things going on in his mind. He made it specifically clear he doesn't want to leave Elsa. But he doesn't want to let his band members down again.

"I don't know what to do. I can't leave Elsa, she needs me. And I don't want to let you all down." He says. "Unless......"

"What? What its it Scott?" Mitch asks.

"What about we go out with a bang? We perform, right here in PE. Then another performance in Johannesburg. Then we head back to LA....

"And start again from there!! That's brilliant!" Mitch agrees.

"Hey, I have a question..." Kirstie speaks up. All eyes are on her.

"If I have it correct, we start in November going into December, right?"

"Yes, that's right" Mitch says.

"Then why....don't we take Elsa with us?"

Suddenly Scott's eyes light up. This way he'll have her with him all the time.

"That's a great idea. That's if y'all are ok with it." Scott says

"Yep." Kevin agrees. "I'm in" Avi accepts. "Count us in!" Kirstie and Mitch agree together.

And so its settled. A surprise concert for Elsa. One that will say goodbye with a song that says:

"I will always love you"

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