This Day, This Glorious Day

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I'm sitting up straight in my bed. Its midnight and I just woke up from a bad dream. I'm a little more afraid this time....I'm alone here. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge, take a bottle of milk and drink some. For a few minutes I stare out the window, wondering what the dream could mean. As I finish my last sip of milk I head back to bed.

I switch the light off and slowly start to fall asleep again. Only to toss and turn...having the same dream....

"Scott! Please don't leave me! Help! Scott" I see Elsa sitting there, trapped. I try to get to her but something keeps pulling me back. "Elsa, hold on!" I shout. But the harder I try, the further I'm pulled away from her. Suddenly a huge hand grabs her and takes her away. I feel every part of me screaming: "No!! ELSA!!!!!"

And I'm awake again, out of breath and full of sweat and tears.


Elsa wakes up and looks at her bedroom curtains and suddenly a panic shoots through her. She looks at her alarm clock: 9:30 am. She takes her phone and checks the date: its Saturday. Slowly she calms down and gets out of bed. She goes to the kitchen where she can smell bacon and eggs being cooked. She stops to take in the smells and smiles. This is going to be a great day.

"Morning Elsa!" "Morning mom! Sleep well?" "Yes thank you, and you?" "Same thanks." Elsa's mom hands her her breakfast and Elsa eats without any hesitation. Suddenly her phone vibrates. Twitter. She opens the notification and....Scott's name and username appears.

"Can't wait to spend the day with my queen ;) :D"

For a moment Elsa feels like she's dreaming. She locks her phone and continues to eat, wondering what Scott has up his sleeve.

Its 12.00 pm and Elsa is in her room reading. Suddenly she hears something knocking on her window. She listens, nothing. She turns her attention back to her book. Again the ticking sound. Climbing off her bed and looking out her window she sees Scott standing outside.

"May I enter your majesty?" He asks and bows with a smile on his face. Elsa begins to laugh. He just brings her happiness everytime he's near she thought. "Why of course your highness" she smiles back.

Scott climbs in her window and gives her a hug. "Come with me, Elsa." "Where to?" Elsa asks confused. "Trust me. You'll love it" Scott replies. They both sneak out the window and run out the garden gate.

A few minutes later they arrive to their destination and Scott leads Elsa, keeping her eyes close with his hands. "Dear Lord I hope she likes it." He prays in his head. Suddenly they come to a stop.

"You ready Elsa?" Scott asks, still keeping her eyes closed. "Yep, I'm ready" "Voalla!!" He says and opens her eyes.

"Oh my gosh Scott!!!" She gasps with surprise. In front of her is a table for two decorated with white roses and doves cut out of paper. The table stands on a deck with the sparking water of a lake around it. Around them the chirping of birds in the trees.

They both sit and Elsa looks at the scenery around her. "This is amazing! I love it!" She says looking at Scott with a smile. He smiles back. "I'm glad you like it." Suddenly they hear "All of me" play in the distance. Scott gets up and holds out his hand to Elsa.

"May I have this dance once more?" He asks. Elsa looks at him with pure wonder and admiration. "Yes." Is all she can get out. She takes his hand and they dance together. A slow dance.

He looks into her eyes. "You're beautiful." All Elsa could do is smile. Scott puts her head to his chest and they dance like that for hours on end. Nothing was in their way. It was just them, there and then.

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