The Unexpected Event

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November finally came and spring was slowly turning into summer by the day. Today was especially hot, but it was still a beautiful day out. Elsa was walking home, observing the beautiful scenery around her. But although she admired it all, she wished she could share it with someone. A particular someone: Scott.

It had been 6 months since he left for the Pentatonix tour. She did everything in her power to keep updated on where they all were and what they were doing. And when she did, she missed them, all five of then, even more. It seemed unfair to wait so long to see them again, but the wait would be a worthwhile one. Walking, occupied in her thoughts, she didn't hear her phone ringing in her pocket. After a while, it vibrated and she immediately took it out. Once she had it in her hand, it rang again. Chris.

"Hey, Chris. What's up?" She asked surprised. They hadn't spoken since the concert so having him call her was a surprise.

"Just wanted to know if you're ok. You've been very absent lately. Very......" He searches for the right word. "....distant."

And he was right.

"And you know why." She confirmed. "Its not something I'm just going to forget overnight, Chris. I loved him. I really did." She still does.

"And he loved you too." He takes a deep breath. "More than you'll ever imagine..."

Before Elsa could ask him what he meant by that, she heard his mother calling him in the background. He said goodbye and hung up. The questions was a buzz in her head but had gone as quick as they came.

Finally Elsa got home. She went into her room and closed the door behind her. Not knowing what to do, she decided to do her homework instead. Homework? On a Saturday? She thought. But she knew why she did it. She felt a heart aching pain inside of her, one of many since Scott left. She was sad. Alone. Genuinely <I> alone. Keeping her mind occupied with her homework might help her, but the guarantee was low.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door and it opened. Mom. Seeing her smile made Elsa feel better, there's a reason now to procrastinate her attempt to do homework. Her mom looked straight at her, knowing something is terribly wrong. Elsa tried to smile back, but something in her just resisted, snapped. The tears came instantly and by instinct looked to her mom for comfort. Mom held her daughter close and tight.

"Its going to be ok, love. You'll be alright see? You're a fighter, aren't you?" Mom said with a calm, reassuring voice.

"I just miss him mom. So, so much..."

Later Elsa was sleeping in her mom's arms, tired from the strain taken from all the crying. Dad came past the hallway, noticing the door of Elsa's room is open a little. He walked in, finding his wife holding the other precious woman in his life. He helped mom get Elsa into bed and tugged her in. They moved out and closed the door carefully.


"Can't believe this is our last concert here." Mitch said looking awestruck at the audience from backstage. He turned back and looked at his best friend, who's staring into the distance as if he's in a trance. "Scott, what do you think?" Mitch tests him. As he predicted, Scott wasn't listening. He walked over to him and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Missing her?" He asked.

"Like hell." Scott replied in a shaking whisper. The pain was visible in his eyes. He missed Elsa alright. But at the back of his mind he was sure of one thing: after tonight he'll be able to hold her in his arms again, right where she belongs.

"Ha ha!! Tonight is the first night we sing 'Standing By!!' I can't wait!!!" Avi said dancing with joy. "Standing By". That's it. That's what will motivate him. Scott suddenly breaks into a smile. "Its gonna be amazing. Arlington will love this, I'm sure of it." And he was indeed.

The concert started with "Love Again" and they all left their hearts on the stage of their hometown. While Scott sings, he makes a promise in his head: Elsa will get to see his hometown without a doubt. With that he performed with so much passion and joy, nothing could stop him.

Absolutely nothing.

Then after 2 hours, the moment came. The first premiere of "Standing By", in Scott's heart, dedicated to his queen. The song had everyone hanging on every word, every beat, every note. The atmosphere was calm, but a bit emotional. Once Avi hit the climax of the song, Scott could feel his eyes welling up with tears. But they were happy tears. As the song ended, they bowed, the lights dimmed, the curtains drew to a close.

After a while Scott found himself stepping into the airport, purchasing a ticket to Johannesburg once more. He smiled brightly as he made all the arrangements with the sales woman. He thanked her and immediately made his way to the gates. He turned back to look at Kirstie, Avi, Kevin and Mitch as they waved him goodbye and wished him good luck.

This is it. The Angel is finally on his way home.


Tuesday Afternoon. A holiday. Elsa is sitting in her bedroom in pure silence, just staring in front of her. The silence has completely absorbed her. She felt tired and empty. She had a notebook and pen beside her. She had tried to write an essay for school, but her head wasn't with it. She couldn't think. She sat back and breathed in the fresh air coming from the nearby window instead, hoping it would calm her down.

Meanwhile mom was washing dishes when she heard footsteps in the front yard and in a few seconds the doorbell is ringing.

Elsa still sat in her bedroom and suddenly the silence is broken by a hard knock on the door. It bursts open and the next thing she knows:

Scott's soft, warm lips meets hers, and he holds her close, not wanting to let go any second now...

Quickly pulling away she stares at Scott, both amazed and confused.

"Hello my Queen. I missed you so much..." He kisses her once. "I never felt more alone these past few months...." Kissed her twice. "I need you now....." Third times the charm, and this time the kiss lingered

Elsa felt.....home. The soul she missed the most found her again. Slowly she pushed Scott away from her and just.....stared at him in pure silence. She tried to figure out what to say and when she wanted to speak, Scott beat her to it:

"Come with me Elsa. I've waited much too long now. We both have. You'll enjoy this tour, I know you will."

A part of her longed to say yes, but another part was mad at him for leaving her for so long. Plus its her final, most important school year next year.

Does she dare to break away from rules and routine and follow her heart?

Or does she stay and break the heart that meant everything to her?


Book 4 is coming soon!!

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