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Scott arrives at the airport in LA and walks over to the conveyor belt. As he waits for his bag he turns on his phone which rings just after a few seconds. Its Mitch.

"Hey, you're at the airport?" Mitch asks. "Yep. I'm just waiting for my bag then I'm heading home." Scott replies back. "Good. We'll see you soon then. Bye Scott" "Bye Mitch". They hang up.

Scott's bag comes through the tunnel and moves along the conveyor belt and Scott takes it. He notices the front zip is still open. He reaches into it and feels something inside. Slowly he takes it out:

A plastic white rose.

Scott can feel the tears coming. He closes the bag's front zip and carries it in one hand and the rose in the other, walking towards the parking lot. He stops for a moment and puts the rose in his front left pocket. Elsa is still close to his heart.


"....and that is how it ended. I was so happy!" Chris said to Elsa, but she wasn't listening. "Hello, Queen Elsa to earth...." He waves his hand in front of her eyes to get her attention. But she won't budge. "ELSA!" She jumps of fright. "Sorry....I'm so sorry...ugh..." She sighs and puts her head in her hands. "What's up? You're not yourself today. You look so tired and....have you been crying?" She nods her head. There is no use in denying it. "Why? What's wrong?" Elsa takes a deep breath: "Scott left for LA last night. I was with him at the airport." Chris was speechless. "How could he leave you like this?!" "He had no choice, Chris!" She raises her voice. She gets up from the ground and starts walking home. Chris follows her and stops her. "Everyone has a choice Elsa." Her tears starts to fill her eyes and she pushes him out of the way and carries on walking.

Elsa reaches her room and closes the door behind her. On her bedside table is a plastic white rose. She walks over and takes it. Laying on her bed she holds the rose close to her chest. Softly she cries herself to sleep.

Where is her Angel now when she needs him most?


Its Tuesday evening and the whole band is putting in a practice session before the big concert. Kevin and Avi, softly going through their arrangement together meanwhile Mitch and Kirstie work out their parts. Scott is just sitting there, staring in the distance. He can't take Elsa off his mind...

"Scott, com'on, your turn." Mitch says. Scott doesn't respond. "Scott!!" Still nothing. The whole group: "SCOTT" "Whoa!" He shouts covering his ears. "What's the matter with you?" Avi asks. "Its as if you're not here..." Kevin adds. Scott walks to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, maybe I'll feel better after that." He disappears down the hall. The house was silent.

"Kirstie, what was I thinking? This is all my fault..." Mitch says. "Why do you say that?" "I pushed him way to hard. I was the one dragging him into this....I dragged him away from Elsa." "Mitch, you only wanted what was best for the group..." "But I never asked what HE wanted..."

With a heavy sigh Mitch gets up and fetches himself a glass and fills it with water from the fridge filter. He takes a sip and after a while he speaks again.

" You know...Scott stood by her side from the start. He loves her. Fact." "Yeah...this really hit him hard..." Kirstie says. "You know what? I hate seeing my best friend like this." Mitch suddenly grabs his phone and heads for the door. "I'll be right back..."

Two hours later they all practice their new song. When they finished it, Mitch takes a sip of water and turns to Scott.

"Scott, you ok?" Mitch asks. "Yeah. I'm alright, just tired." "Ok, then we'll practice this one more time." Kevin counts and they start.

Scott sings every word as if its for Elsa. Near the end of the first verse he takes out the white rose from his pocket and looks at it.

"I'm latching on babe, now I know what I have found..."


"Get up sleepy head!!" Mitch calls as he enters Scott's room. With difficulty Scott sits up straight in his bed.

"Good, you're up!" Mitch says smiling. Then after a while. "I'm sorry Scott. I shouldn't have pushed you to come here. I didn't mean for you to get hurt..." Mitch's voice fades away. "Mitch....." Scott says looking up. "Yes?"

"What if I lose her?" Scott's voice is shaking. Suddenly Mitch hands Scott a envelope. "You won't..." Scott looks at Mitch confused. Mitch starts to laugh.

"You better get have a plane to catch..." Scott opens up the envelope inside is a plane ticket to Johannesburg.

"Mitch! Thank you so much!" Scott hugs him.

"Take care of her, Scott. You've got a diamond in your hands"

"She's more than that to me, Mitch. So much more..."

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