Love Departures

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Elsa wakes up the next morning without complaining that its one day closer to Monday. Her heart is dancing, her eyes are sparkling. Nothing can get better than this...

She walks into the living room where she finds her dad watching TV. "Hi dad" "Hi Elsa. Soooo....what happened last night?" He looks at her with a small smile.

"Dad, you wouldn't believe me if I told you" she says smiling. Her dad turns off the TV and turns to her. "Try me."


Scott just woke up and he's in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He takes out a cereal box and puts it on the counter. He pauses for a moment and closes his eyes. The flashback of the previous day comes up in his minds eye. He opens his eyes. "This feels so right....I just wish I could tell you..." In the middle of his sentence his phone starts to ring. Its Mitch.

"Hello, Mitch. Long time no speak, what's up". No reply. "Hello?" "Scott..." Mitch begins in a stressed voice. "...we have a problem. A huge one." Scott is to scared to speak. "W-w-what is it Mitch?" "We have a major thing coming up. A huge concert which will make us known worldwide." "But that's good news??" "You have to leave there tonight." Mitch finishes.

Scott is silent, shocked. "Tonight?? But....." "I'm sorry Scott. Well try our best to change the times and flight. I have to go. I'll keep in touch!!" Mitch says and hangs up. Scott puts his phone on the counter.

"I'm gonna have to pack....and get food...and" he thinks out loud. He starts pacing across the kitchen. Then a thought suddenly struck him.

"No, Elsa!!" Tears start to fill his eyes. "I can't leave her now...."


Elsa sits on her bed listening to the radio while she's on twitter. She can't help but think about the day before. She closes her eyes and the memory comes back so quickly. How can a person ever forget something like this?

Suddenly there's a tick on the window. She gets up and opens the side curtains. Its Scott. He climbs in her window and hugs her. He holds her tighter than he's done before. Elsa can feel something is terribly wrong. "Scott...?" She begins.

"I've..." He stops to fight the tears. "I've got bad news, Elsa." He can't bring himself to look at her. "What? Tell me what is it?" She asks with anxiety in her voice. Tension starts to build up in the room.

"I have to leave SA. Pentatonix has a big concert coming up. And I have to..." He snaps. He sinks down to the floor crying. "I leave tonight...."

Scott's sadness catches Elsa and she sits on her bed in pure shock. "But....but Scott...." Her tears come slowly. Scott gets up on his knees in front of Elsa. "I can't leave you, Elsa"

"But this could mean so much to Pentatonix. Scott you could become famous!!" Elsa said

For a few minutes silence reigned the atmosphere around them, then after a while Scott said:

"I don't care Elsa. I don't want to leave. My hall of fame is in your heart."

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Scott quickly hugs Elsa and climbs out the window. Elsa's mom walks in the room. "We're going to do some shopping, want to come?" "No, thanks." Elsa replies. "Ok. Bye." Her mom said and walks out closing the door behind her.

Elsa rushes to the window to see if Scott's still there. But the yard was empty.


"Scott, this is a big thing for us!! Please think about that?!" Mitch yells over the phone. They've been fighting for over an hour now. "I am not leaving her Mitch!!" "Well she is gonna forget you. You two won't last."

That hit Scott. He grew so upset he felt a pain shooting through his stomach. Without saying another word to Mitch he ends the call. He stands still for a moment trying to think. Suddenly his phone rings again. Its Kirstie.

"Hey, just want you to know I've managed to change the tickets. Monday night 9p.m." "Thanks Kirstie. Goodnight." Scott says with a soft voice. "Goodnight."


Monday. Or should it be "D-day"? The school day just came to an end and Elsa's already in her room getting ready to do homework. Then there's a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Its Scott. Please let me in?" Elsa gets up and opens the door. Scott walks in and stands by the window. Elsa closes the door and walks towards him.

"You had an argument with Mitch last night....why?" "Because I can't....I can't..." "What, Scott?" Scott turns to her with tears in his eyes.

"I can't bring myself to leave you! I can't leave you!" They stand in a moment of pure silence. Scott moves over to Elsa and hugs her And for the first time he whispers in her ear: "I love you..."

That night Elsa went with him to the airport. Scott went to get his ticket and they strolled around the airport. Then the moment came, the moment they both dreaded.

"Flight 450CD now boarding to Johannesburg. Flight 450CD now boarding to Johannesburg."

Scott turns to her and gives her the tightest hug humanly possible. "Please, don't forget me." He said.

They let go and Elsa looks deep into he's eyes, making sure that he remembers what she was going to say:

"This broken heart will love you for a lifetime, Scott."

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