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『 chapter eight 』08| Macy's extravaganza

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chapter eight
08| Macy's extravaganza

Luke Danes' deep set forehead creases threatened to consume my soul in their cracks from his overbearing disapproval, "No."

"You can't say no, I'm already going." I laughed, tapping the steering wheel of the car he owned which was driving me to the birthday party.

Natural protective instincts kicked in, but I wasn't the only one attending. Jess was supposed to too. Whether he showed up or not was down to him.

I would've asked my dad to drive me, although I doubted he'd be very happy at the thought of underage drinking at a teenagers birthday party. Subsequently, Luke was my natural driver. Not that Macy lived that far away, I just didn't want to walk in the night; it was chilly. More importantly, I was lazy.

"Fine." he grunted, pulling up outside of Macy's thousand dollar renovated drive. Beige slabs accumulated to make up the extravagant path winding to the mahogany front door. "What time should I pick you up?"

I shook my hair, I had curled it especially for tonight. Deciding to make an effort to style it was a big deal for me. "It's okay, Macy's parents can give me a ride."

That was a lie. They were touring south east Asia, meaning I would have to walk home or sleep over at Macy's which I didn't like doing. I preferred the comfort of my own bed.

Luke punched me in the shoulder, lovingly. "I'll see you at work then."

"Thank you!" I exhaled as I jumped out of his car, proceeding to run up the drive after slamming the door.

I turned around to catch Luke waving before he pulled away.

Rainbow coloured confetti streamers puked out every colour imaginable over Macy's pristine walls. Balloons stamped with the number 17 concealed the floor until I felt paranoid that wherever I stepped a loud bang would sound.

However, the party wouldn't have been complete without two dozen people jumping around the place to heavy based music pumping from the block speakers in the four corners of the room.

Macy appeared like Moses, parting the crowd in her silver glitter dress. She looked like a sexy disco ball with legs.

Unlike Macy, I decided to dress in a simple sheer blouse that defined the black shirt underneath. Nothing fancy, but then again, it wasn't my birthday.

"There's my best friend!" Macy screamed over the music, her tight coiled hair braided into beautiful long extensions which cascaded down her bare skinned back.

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