Chapter 20: "If he wants to get into deep shit, let him!"

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Archie spilled everything to them. Every last detail of that night.

"You see," he blathered, "It was Haymitch. Well, indirectly, but, still! Do you believe me? You guys have to believe me. I'm not some cold-blooded-"

"For Spirit's sake, Archie! I love you, but you sound like an incoherent squirrel on 5 hour energy! We get it, you aren't a murderer." V pleaded.

Archie let out a theatrical sigh.

"I'm sorry, Archie." Betty exhaled. "I mean, who am I to judge, anyway?"

Shit. She let it slip. Shit, shit, shit!

"What?" Archie asked, cocking his head at her.

"what d'you mean?" Veronica innocently inquired.

"Hmm?" Betty tried to answer back as oblivious as possible, then continue on like she forgot what she even said.  She quickly changed the subject. "But I have a feeling that Jughead is up to something." Betty inhaled multiple short, sharp breaths to prevent her from crying. "Jughead has all the facts wrong. I'm going to get him before he regrets whatever-the-hell he is about to do."

"You have a boot on, Betty. Am I the insane one, here?" he jutted a thumb out to himself, gesturing for Veronica to back him up.

Crisis avoided, Betty thought.

"I will go with her," Veronica resoned.

Archie crossed his arms in defiance. "Well," he snorted, "I am not letting him bring me down with him. If you guys want to drown, well, be my guest."

Veronica and Betty exchanged a look Archie could not read, and started out the door.

"Wait," Archie stated, "Please, just listen to reason. If he wants to get into deep shit, let him."

Betty patiently reasoned with him, "You are just saying that because of what he said to you, what he accused you of. He is your best friend."

"Was." Archie huffed, almost comically. He looked away in defiance.

Betty shrugged and continued out the door.

"Wait!" this time Archie shouted, jogging to the door, "I'm coming, too."

Veronica and Betty couldn't help but grin.

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