Chapter 22: A Catastrophic Discovery

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Betty carefully placed her hand on the handle to Forsythe Pendleton Jones's trailer. She then stopped acting like a child. She had been to this place a million times. She amply whipped the door open.

Betty dutifully trailed to each room. It didn't take long to discover nothing. No one was there.

Betty wandered back to the kitchen. She sat down at the derelict table where a brown leather book sat. On the front was gold lettering in all caps that spelled,


She traced the lettering, then figured she would take a quick look at the contents inside.

Betty impatiently flipped through the yellowed pages to the middle. She scanned the left page.

It was a sketch of the inside of a building she didn't recognize. Each room was labeled with drab charcoal pencil.

Somehow, her eyes missed the top header, which read, "Snake Charmer Refuge."

This was Jughead's handwriting. The slanted, pressured writing was unmistakably Jughead's.

She hopped onto the page adjacent, eating the words on the page called, "Supplies Needed"

Betty ran her finger down the bulleted list, smearing the charcoal in the process. Her finger autonomously came to a halting stop on its own. Her chest heaved at the word.


After reading the rest of the pages, she had, unfortunately know the ins and outs of Jughead's mind. Betty rushed to the sink with the journal still in hand, knowing she was going to be sick.

Whilst heaving up last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast, she had some time to think. Not near digest the horrible things in the journal, but think.

She knew he was hiding something, but not something this detrimental. The journal contained a plan, with copious and copious amounts of planning. From assessing the risk of the task, to listing the different ways to kill her, it was premeditated murder at the very least. Betty had always known that Jughead had a lot of ideas swarming around in his head, but she never would have imagined something like this.

Though the worse thing was not the crime itself; it was how long Jughead would be in prison for it. Betty hated Penny to, and she cannot deny the fact that she had thought- no, fantasized- about her death as well. But never had she considered about going through with any of it.

Sure, Hirem had now controlled a good part of the town, including the police force. It was to one's own conjecture, but one was not blind. Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and Betty had no idea where Penny was now. She surely would not be indicted due to the corrupt Riverdale Police Force, but they had figured she was gone with the wind. According to the pages in the journal, Jughead had figured out her location down to the very building. The journal told Betty he was to kill Penny tonight. Betty lifted her head from the sink. She cocked her head to a wall with a clock on it.


It was decided that Betty would sit at the table to wait for him. She would try and change his mind. There was simply no way she would let this happen. Betty thumbed through her phone to text Archie to come by with no other instruction.

Without a minute to prepare, the door swung open, and in stepped a black haired boy carrying a black duffle bag- probably filled with an abundance of contraband. With furrowed brows, Betty shot up from the chair, the journal under the will of her hand.

The whimper of the chair sliding across the floor caught his attention to the kitchen. His face went pale at the recognition of Betty's presence.

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