Chapter 16: Exigent Circumstances

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"You can't, I'm sorry," the nurse said with a sympathetic sideways nod.

Jughead clucked his tongue, resting both hands on his hips when he said, "What if I told you I would only be there for two minutes. We will be in and out before you know it."

The nurse looked to be in her mid-forties, so she probably had kids. Her name tag didn't have a Mrs. or Ms. In front of her last name -which was Kramer- so he didn't know for sure. According to the apparent bags under her eyes, she was tired, so the odds that she was a mother were higher. Her blank stare coerced him to keep going.

Jughead's eyes quickly wandered to her hand, which had a golden band wrapped around the fourth finger. He also happened to see her wearing a golden necklace with a cross dangling from it.

A religious, family woman. Good to know.

So, Jughead, he thought, you're really going to play 'this' game.

Jughead switched to more of a meek look draped across his face.  "I'm desperate, Mrs.-" he pretended to search for her name tag, "-Kramer. I know you aren't supposed to let me in that room, but it would just make my day. You see, my sister is in there. And my whole family is worried sick about her. They sent me to make sure our prayers were working." He let out a loud, theatrical sigh with worried brows to add to the affect.

Mrs. Kramer sympathized with him. She nodded empathetically, ignoring everyone else in the rumpus room -including Archie and Veronica- as he told her all about his troubles. He felt bad for manipulating her, but it had to be done.

"Fine," she said, clearly concerned. She pressed her lips together and lowered her voice, "Keep this on the DL, boy."

Now he felt even worse. It was like taking candy from a baby.

Why are you so good at this, Jughead pondered as he headed through the doors, It's not good to be good at this kind of stuff, Jughead.

Exigent circumstances, he guessed.

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