Chapter 4: One Fateful Night

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My phone lit up the dark trailer as it buzzed. I got a text. I raced over to it, hoping to God it was Betty. My stomach flipped again. It was Penny. It read:

Hey lover-boy! Looks like you didn't keep your end of the deal. Next time take me seriously. See you around, kid.

I fell asleep. I fell asleep. God, how did I forget about Penny?

My hands shook as I picked up my phone to call Betty; I needed to warn her that Malaichi was no friend. I dialed her phone number.

The phone rang. Then it rang some more. Then, it went to voicemail.

"Hey! It's Betty! Sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now. Anyway, leave it at the beep," I heard her prerecorded voice through the phone. The sliver of hope I had in me shattered when she didn't answer.

"Betty, you need to get out of that car now," I begged, "He is dangerous. Malachai is not my friend. Betty, please, I'm begging you-"

The phone beeped again. The robot voice told me, "end of voicemail." I threw my phone on the counter out of frustration. I can't believe I let this happen.

I ran out of the house and hopped on my motorcycle. My shaky hands fiddled in my deep pockets looking for the keys. When I found them, I jammed them into the ignition and drove away. I sped past car after car. My hair flipped in the bitter wind as streams of tears fell from my eyes.


Mostly everyone was gone when Jughead reached the Andrews house. He rolled in the driveway, frantically looking for Archie and Veronica. Reggie walked up to him.

"Woah, slow down there Jones! Looking for someone?" Reggie teased, blocking the entrance.

"It's not funny, Reggie, this is serious. Get out of the way!" Jughead bellowed as he tried to push his way through Reggie's broad shoulders. He didn't budge. This caused Reggie's buddies, including Chuck, to start laughing, which infuriated Jughead.

"Archie!" Jughead desperately called out.

Reggie replied, "I'm not sure Archie wants to see you, Jones! Now beat it."

Jughead's eyes looked into Reggie's while he struggled to get passed him. Then, Jughead stepped back. Suddenly, he reached his elbow back, leaned forward and punched Reggie, square in the eye. Reggie stumbled back and touched his eye. The remaining people in the house -mostly just the football team- gasped.

Reggie stood up. "You punched the wrong guy, Jones!" Reggie barked, charging at Jughead. Jughead clenched his jaw, ready to defend himself. To his dismay, he was held back at the very last second by a red-headed boy.

"Jesus! Have some class guys!" Archie struggled as he tried to hold Reggie back, "Can't a guy take a piss without people killing each other?"

"He just punched me dude! Now let me have him," Reggie begged him.

Archie reasoned with him. "Now, if I let you go both of you have to promise not to kill each other."

Jughead frantically nodded his head up and  down. He didn't have time for this. "Archie, I need to talk to you. It's about Betty," he urged.

Archie immediately let go of Reggie. "Is she okay?" Archie asked.

Jughead inhaled sharply, trying not to cry in front of the whole football team. "No," his voice quivered.

"Okay, party is over! Everybody out! Now! Now!" Archie shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. Archie ushered Jughead upstairs to talk privately. While the stragglers shuffled out of the doorway.

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