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[Mina's POV]

When the night come, I glanced at the clock and saw that it is almost 8.

I decided to go back home and when I exited my office, I saw that Chaeyoung guy still working.

"You still don't want go home?" I asked and he looked up.

"It's okay, Miss... I still can work." He said.

"Fine then." I said.

"Before you leave, please turn off the lights and close the door." I ordered and he nodded.

I then left the company and went back home.

When I reached home, mum come towards me and asked me to eat my dinner.

"But I don't feel like eating." I said.

"You have to. Your gastric isn't very good." Mum said and I sighed.

I then walked to the dining table and eat a few bites before going back to my room.

I took a bath and after that, I sat down on my bed and used my phone.

I dried my hair before flopping down on my bed.

'Son Chaeyoung... Interesting guy...' I thought and slowly fell asleep.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

Right after Miss. Myoui left, I went into her office and search through the drawers.

When I saw the file, I quickly took it out and flipped through the pages.

"There it is..." I said as I look at name.

"Ang Ziyong? A Taiwanese?" I said.

I closed the file and put it back to the original place.

I texted him the name and left the company.

But of course, before I left, I turn off the lights and closed the door properly.

I went back home and start to do a background investigation of Ang Ziyong.

"Ang Ziyong, manager of Jiang Company." I said.

So means that Myoui Corporation will work together with Jiang Company.

I continue to do the background investigation and finally, I found out one thing.

"Ang Ziyong have once been in jail for trying to sneak goods away from Wang Medical." I said and smirked.

"This guy should be dangerous." I said and remembered something.

He will be here in Korea tomorrow afternoon and Miss Myoui will be fetching him personally to show her sincerity in working with him.

I then went to bath first before thinking of a plan to expose his true actions.

"No wonder he send me here... That's the reason why." I said.

I dried my hair and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning

Once I reached the company, I went to the pantry and brew a cup of coffee for Miss Myoui.

I send it to her office and exited.

I went to work until 10 plus and suddenly, I was called into Miss Myoui's office.

"Yes, Miss Myoui?" I asked.

"This afternoon, follow me to the airport. I need to fetch someone." Miss Myoui said and I nodded.

I left her office and continue working.

I look at her timetable and saw that the timing of she will be leaving the company is 1:45 pm.

I glance at the clock and saw the time is already 1:40 pm.

I went in to Miss Myoui's office and informed her.

"Okay... Let's go." She said and we left the company.

We walked to my car and got in.

I started the engine and start driving away.

I drove to the airport and she alight once I stopped at the alighting area.

"I will text you once we are ready to leave." Miss Myoui said and I nodded.

I drove to a further place to park the car there first as the alighting area is not allowed to park.

When I received her text, I drove to the boarding area and got off the car.

I went back and help Ang Ziyong to put his luggage into the car boot.

After that, I went back to the driver seat and start driving back to Myoui Corporation.

Right after we reached the Myoui Corporation, the both of them went into Miss Myoui's office.

But before they went in, Miss Myoui asked me to brew two cups of coffee for her and Ang Ziyong.

I went to the pantry and brew two cups of coffee for them.

After that, I went in and placed the coffee on the table in front of them.

"Okay... You may leave now." Miss Myoui said and I bowed.

I then leave her office and went back to my table.

I continue to work and when I saw Ang Ziyong exited from her office, I stood up.

"Send him to the hotel." Miss Myoui ordered and I nodded.

Well, I got no choice.

I'm her assistant and whatever shit she ask me to do, I must do or else, I can't carry out my secret mission here.

I then went to my car and drive Ang Ziyong to the hotel.

I took his luggage out from the car boot and he went in.

After that, I left and drive back to the company.

When I happen to pass by a cafe, I thought of my past.

'We used to be so happy and just living such a simple life... But... It all ended when you betrayed me...' I thought and sighed.

Suddenly, a car honked and I look up to see the green light.

I quickly step on the pedal and start driving back.

Once I reached the company, I went back to work and until night time.

And again, everybody including Miss Myoui have returned home.

I went into the surveillance room and luckily I know lip reading.

I played the scene where Miss Myoui and Ang Ziyong are chatting.

"So let's start the discussion."

"We are planning to start a pharmacy business and I heard that you once worked in the Wang Medical before going to Jiang Company to work as the manager."

"Yes, I have a few medication in my luggage. I can take it here for you to see tomorrow."

"Sure no problem. We will divide the earned money into half. 50-50."

"No problem." I lip read all of their conversation.

Ang Ziyong signed on the contract and they shook hands.

Ang Ziyong then stood up and left the office.

'Tomorrow... That means they will start discussing about the business for tomorrow...' I thought.

I just feel something not right about their partnership.

It's like Ang Ziyong is planning something and wanted to damaged the reputation of Myoui Corporation.


Another update!
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