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[Chaeyoung's POV]

"Erm... Mina-ya, you're drunk... Let's get you back home." I said and carried Mina.

Mina keep mumbling some inaudible words while I am carrying her.

But Mina is too drunk and she can't walk properly so I carried her by the bridal style.

When we reached my car, I opened the door and get Mina seated on the passenger's seat.

I buckled the seatbelt for her and closed the door.

I quickly jogged over to the driver's seat and start the engine.

After that, I started driving away.

I drove back to Mina's house and I carried her.

I ring the doorbell and the door opened soon.

"Oh my god! Why did Mina drink so much?" Her mum asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I was informed to fetch Mina up at the pub." I said and her mum sighed.

"Come in." Her mum said and I took off my shoes.

Her mum showed me the way to Mina's room and opened the door for me.

I went in and laid Mina down in her bed.

I took off her heels and covered her with the blanket.

Her mum went to get a wet towel and a cup of tea.

"Chaeyoung..." I heard Mina calling me so I went to her.

She then covered her mouth and I know that she's about to vomit.

I then help her to the toilet and she start vomiting at the toilet bowl.

I patted her back and when she's done, I passed her tissue and she wipe her mouth before I flushed the toilet bowl.

After that, I help her out of the toilet and she sat down on her bed.

Her mum came back and passed Mina the cup of tea.

"Take this to wipe yourself." Her mum said and Mina took the towel.

She start wiping herself and sip the tea.

"Sorry, Chaeyoung. Have to bother you." Her mum said and I smiled.

"It's okay." I said and she smiled back.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave." I said and bowed.

Her mum then walked me out and I wore my shoes before getting into my car and drive back home.

The next day

I went to Mina's office and pass her the coffee as usual.

She look at me while I'm placing the coffee on her table.

"Erm... Chaeyoung, about last night..." She trailed off.

"It's okay." I said and smiled.

"Can you forget about what I've said?" She asked and I nodded.

But there's a slight pain on my chest.

"So last night you're confessing to someone you like but he's not there?" I asked and she nodded.

"Wait... How did you get my phone number?" I asked.

"Well, your resume?" She said and I nodded.

"Right... So I'll go back to work." I said and she nodded.

I then left her office and went to work.

When it's lunch time, I was about to head to eat but then, my phone beeped.

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