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[No one's POV]

Chaeyoung has been going to meet Somi recently more often as he discovered her fake disease.

Mina feel sad that Chaeyoung seems to distance away from her and spend more time with Somi.

Both of them are unaware of Somi's plan and treated Somi as their friend.

But Somi went to Mina's office today and have a chat with her.

"So, how long have you and Chaeyoung been together?" Somi asked as she sat down on the couch.

"A few weeks." Mina said.

"And did you guys do that already?" Somi asked and Mina clearly know what she's saying so she nodded.

"Chaeyoung must think that you're an easy woman. He previously told me that he hate girls who do that before the relationship gets steady or after marriage." Somi said and Mina feels a bit hurt by it but she managed to hide it.

"And also, if you don't know anything about Chaeyoung, feel free to call me. Trust me, I know him for a very long time. I know his personality better than anyone else." Somi said and handed Mina her namecard.

Mina took it and placed it on the table.

"Really? But I think some things have changed after you left him for 6 years." Mina said and Somi's smile faded a bit but she didn't show her unhappiness.

"But there will still be some things that nobody actually know." Somi said.

"And also, Chaeyoung loves kids. When we are still together, we've been trying so hard just to get a child but... He even said to me that he want 10 kids." Somi said and chuckled at the memory.

Mina ignored her jealous feelings and treated Somi good as she thought that Somi is diagnosed with heart disease.

"Anyway, I have to go now." Somi said and Mina stood up along with her.

Mina sent Somi out and went back to her table.

Not long later, Chaeyoung came and Mina didn't rushed to hugged him like she always do.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked as he settled down the food on the table.

He then saw a namecard on the table so he picked it up to see Somi's name.

"Somi? She's been here?" Chaeyoung asked.

"She said... You... Hates girls who... Did that before..." Mina trailed off and a tear fall off her eyes.

"No baby..." Chaeyoung said and rushed to her.

He cupped her cheeks and wiped the tear away before kissing her forehead.

"Yes... I used to think like this but now, I know that it is because we love each other that much to the extend that we did that before we got married or the relationship gets steady." Chaeyoung said and look at Mina.

"Really?" You do think like that?" Mina asked and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Now, stop crying." Chaeyoung said and hold Mina's hand.

He got her to the coffee table and set up the food for her to eat.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

Recently, there's something wrong about Mina like she is more paranoid.

I guess Somi went to meet her and said something inappropriate to her that's why Mina is acting like this.

But even though she's acting like this, I still love her.

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