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[Chaeyoung's POV]

I woke up and sit up.

I look to my side and saw Mina still sleeping.

I then remembered what happened last night.

I chuckled silently and caressed her hair.

She moved a bit and I stopped.

I take my hand away from her and watched her actions.

She turned to me and hold my hand while sleeping.

I smiled and leave a peck on her forehead before getting out of bed silently.

I went to cook breakfast for her and went out to buy a bouquet of white roses for her.

But then, my phone beeped and the message is from Jeongyeon.

I look at the message and went to the police station.

I went to my locker and get my gun before going to the destination.

I stood far away from Ang Ziyong and his other accomplices.

I was trying to see what's going on but something hit my back and I lost conscious before I can turn around to see who hit me.

Not long later, I woke up and touched my back of my neck which is hurting.

I felt a weight on my hand so I look at my hand to see my gun on my hand.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and I looked behind.

"Chaeyoung?" Tzuyu said.

"Tzuyu? What are you guys doing?" I asked and stood up.

"Someone reported that there is gunshots and someone is badly injured. Gunshots are reported to be coming from here." Tzuyu said and I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We suspect that you have intentions of killing so we have to arrest you." Tzuyu said and I nodded.

They then handcuffed me and brought me back to the police station.

They questioned me but all of my answer is I don't know.

They got no choice but to keep me in the detention room.

I stayed inside there, thinking who is it that knocked me out.

Suddenly, an officer knocked on the metal cell gate with his nightstick and unlocked the door.

"You have a visitor." The officer said and I waited for him to bring me to the visiting room.

Once I reached, I saw mum, dad and Mina there.

I run to hugged dad and mum.

"What exactly happened, my son?" Mum asked as she broke the hug.

"I don't know. This morning, I went out to buy a bouquet of white roses for Mina. But as I was about to go back, Jeongyeon texted me, telling me that a criminal named Ang Ziyong will be meeting his other accomplices at a remote and opened field. I went to the police station and got my gun from my locker. After that, I went to the location that Jeongyeon sent me. While I'm still trying to know what's going on, someone knocked me out from behind and before I can see who knocked me out, I lose conscious. When I woke up, I saw my gun on my hand and Tzuyu is behind me." I said and dad furrowed his eyebrows.

"Which means someone got you knocked out and done something while you're unconscious and pass you back your gun before you woke up. That means you are a scapegoat." Dad said and I nodded.

"But unluckily, there isn't any CCTV nearby or capture anyone suspicious so I'm the biggest suspect." I said and dad patted my shoulder.

"It's okay... Your mum and I will think of something to help you out." Dad said and I smiled.

I nodded and he smiled back.

He then step back, letting Mina step forward.

"Today morning when I saw you not beside me, I though you left me and I was actually angry at you because you didn't find me until I received a call from auntie." Mina said and I saw one drop of her tears rolled down.

I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tear away.

"Don't cry, baby... I don't want to see you crying because of me..." I said and leave a kiss on her forehead.

"I promise you, I will be out and I will find you immediately." I said and smiled to her.

She nodded and I hugged her tightly.

"Promise me, wait for me... I believe that I will be out very soon." I said and she nodded.

She buried her face into my chest and I feel my shirt getting slightly wet.

I broke the hug and lift her head up by the chin.

"Hey, please don't cry anymore... I don't want to see you cry again..." I said and she nodded while wiping her tears away.

"I will wait for you. You must be back." Mina said and I nodded.

"Visiting time is over!" The officer said strictly and opened the door.

"I'll be back to you again... I love you." I said and left.

"I love you too." I heard Mina said and I smiled.

As soon as I get back into my detention room, I saw Tzuyu coming to me.

"Tomorrow, we need to move. You have to go to another police station for this case." Tzuyu said and I nodded.

"Where's Jeongyeon?" I asked.

"Jeongyeon is at his office. He indeed sent you that message but he also didn't know what happened at that time because he is busy with his works too. He's also thinking of ways to help you." Tzuyu said and I sighed.

"It's okay..." I said.

"Don't worry, smol. I will save you out of here no matter what. Jeongyeon and I believe that you're innocent." Tzuyu said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said.

"Alright, I have to go now." Tzuyu said and I nodded.

He then left and I got no choice but to stay there for now.

The next day

I woke up and saw the four walls staring at me.

I just quickly brush my teeth and two officers came in.

They handcuffed me and we are about to leave but Tzuyu came.

Tzuyu told them to get us some private time and the officers actually recognized us so they allowed.

Tzuyu then passed me his jacket and covered my cuffed hands.

But then, he secretly passed me something and give me a slight nod.

I was then taken away from the two officers.


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