9 [M]

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Smutty chapter...

[No one's POV]

While Chaeyoung is resting, his phone beeped.

He take a look at his phone and saw the same message.

He quickly change his clothes and went to the pub.

"Sorry once again... But she keeps drinking, not willing to stop." The waiter as previous said.

"It's okay... Sorry to bother you." Chaeyoung said and the waiter smiled.

"And also, I heard your girlfriend keep calling your name. I guess the two of you fight?" The waiter asked.

"Uh... Yes..." Chaeyoung said and carried Mina.

"Hm? Chaeyoung? You're here..." Mina said and smiled foolishly.

"Yeah... What happen? Why did you drink so much again?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina keep smiling foolishly.

"Let's get you home." Chaeyoung said and Mina shook her head.

"I don't want to go home..." Mina said.

"Okay then... Where do you want to go?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I want to go your house..." Mina said and Chaeyoung coughed.

"Mina-ya, don't joke around..." Chaeyoung said.

"I don't want to go home... Or hotel... So why not go to your house?" Mina said and Chaeyoung sighed.

Since there's a vacant room, he decided to let Mina stay overnight.

Chaeyoung then brought Mina to his car and buckled the seatbelt for her.

He then start driving back home and when he reached, he carried Mina to his house from the car park.

Once they entered Chaeyoung's house, Mina rushed to the toilet.

She vomited and flushed the toilet after that.

Chaeyoung passed her a warm water and Mina gulped it down.

Now, Mina is more sober.

Mina placed the cup on the coffee table and went to Chaeyoung.

When she entered Chaeyoung's room, Chaeyoung happened to be changing his shirt.

"Mina? What are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked.

Mina didn't answer and just walked towards him.

Mina keep the blank stare on Chaeyoung and suddenly, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him on the lips.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

When Mina kissed me on the lips, I was shocked.

I pushed her away and asked her what is she doing.

"I lied to you. You're the guy that I wanted to confess to. Even though I've never been in a relationship, but I'm very sure that I've fallen for you." Mina said and I was shocked plus shocked.

"Mina-ya, you're drunk. You don't know what are you saying." I said and she shook her head.

"I know what I am saying. I've never been so sober before in my entire life." Mina said and I kept silence.

"I know you will not fall for me. A girl that's not pretty, not slim enough, not meeting your requirements-" I cut her off by kissing her on the lips.

I kissed her slowly and full of love.

If she didn't confess, I didn't know that I've also fallen for her.

After making out for a while, we broke away from the kiss and connected our foreheads.

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