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[No one's POV]

When the next day arrive, Chaeyoung feel nervous for no reason.

But when he saw Mina at her office working, his nervousness is decreased by half.

Mina feel that someone is looking at her so she look out and saw Chaeyoung looking at her.

She smiled to him shyly and Chaeyoung smiled back.

He sat down on his table and placed his things beastly first before going to the pantry to brew coffee for Mina.

After he finished brewing, he send it to her office and he feel his heart beating crazily.

He put it down on her table and exited her office.

He went to check her schedule and realize that she have quite a relax schedule today.

Chaeyoung went in and inform her about her schedule and she nodded.

Chaeyoung went out and place his palm on his chest.

"Why is this beating so fast? Don't tell me you're really falling for her." Chaeyoung mumbled to himself and shook his head.

Well, he's still not ready for a new relationship.

He then went back to his table and start as per normal.

But for Mina, Mina is constantly glancing at Chaeyoung who is working diligently.

"Is it true that hardworking guys are handsome? Why does Chaeyoung looks so different today?" Mina mumbled as she feel her cheeks blushed while complimenting Chaeyoung.

Mina is still in the midst of confirming her feelings for Chaeyoung.

But she can confirm something and that is she does like Chaeyoung.

To her, Chaeyoung is somewhat different from other guys.

That why she's able to fall in love with him so easily.

Once the lunch time arrive, Chaeyoung ask Mina to have lunch with him and Mina decided to cook for Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung brought Mina to his mum's shop and Mina borrowed her kitchen.

When she finished preparing the ingredients, she started cooking.

While she's cooking, she plugged in her earpieces and listened to some songs.

When Chaeyoung is really famished, he went to the kitchen and called Mina but Mina didn't answer him as she's wearing her earpieces.

Chaeyoung sighed and went to Mina.

He unplugged one of her earpieces and he can perfectly hear the song that Mina is listening to as the song is very loud.

Once Chaeyoung heard that song, he thought of the past which pained him a lot.

"What so good about this song?! Why are you listening to it?!" Chaeyoung exclaimed and run away.

Chaeyoung's mum heard the commotion and went in the kitchen.

She saw Mina's shocked face and went towards her.

"Why can't I listen to this song? What's the matter with him?" Mina mumbled.

"That's because it brings him a bad past." His mum said and Mina looked at her.

"It happened about 6 years ago. His ex-wife cheated on him and he caught them together in their room. What pained him the most is his ex-wife is on his bed with her secret lover. That's why he's so agitated when he heard this song. Because this song used to be their love song. And when his wife is caught cheating on him, the radio is playing this song and that's the worst." His mum said and Mina felt sorry for Chaeyoung.

She wanted to talk to him but she's afraid that Chaeyoung might shout at her again.

She decided to give him some time to think while she continue to cook for their lunch.

After she finished cooking it, she went to find Chaeyoung and saw him starting blankly at the sky.

"Erm... I'm sorry..." Mina said.

"I should be the one saying this. I got no rights to control you so I guess I'm being unreasonable earlier." Chaeyoung said and Mina smiled.

"It's okay." Mina said and Chaeyoung looked at her.

"Is lunch ready? I'm famished." Chaeyoung said and Mina nodded.

"Let's go." Chaeyoung said and they went in together.

While eating, Mina thought of what his mum said earlier and she can't help but feel jealous.

Even she know that they have already divorced, she's still jealous because of his ex-wife.

"I guess my mum have told you what happened." Chaeyoung said and Mina looked at him.

"Huh?" She asked.

"After I left the kitchen, I assume that my mum have told you everything that happen in the past." Chaeyoung said and Mina nodded.

"I know that I shouldn't be such a busybody and-" Chaeyoung cur Mina off.

"It's okay... Who doesn't have a bad past?" Chaeyoung said and smiled to Mina.

Mina smiled back and they went back eating.

After they finished the meal, Mina helped to wash the dishes and they went back to company after that.

The colleagues saw them entering the company together and they are shocked.

"Since when Miss Myoui is this close to Chaeyoung?"

"Didn't she always had lunch herself?"

"Wow, they are even laughing and chatting happily while entering the company."

Murmurs and mumbles can be heard anywhere.

Chaeyoung heard the commotion and ignored them.

He continue to listen to what Mina is talking and until they reached in front of Mina's office.

"I'll go back to work now." Mina said.

"Okay." Chaeyoung said and Mina entered her office.

Chaeyoung went back to his table and start working.

After working, Chaeyoung went back home straight.

But when he's driving back, he heard his phone beeped.

He looked at his phone and saw a unknown text.

Unknown: Please come over to xx pub.

Chaeyoung rushed over and saw Mina drinking.

"Are you Chaeyoung?" A waiter in the pub asked and Chaeyoung nodded.

"The first contact I saw is you so I decided to texted you to fetch her." The waiter said and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Sorry for the disturbance. I'll bring her home now." Chaeyoung said and carried Mina.

Chaeyoung then carried Mina out of the pub and Mina suddenly speaks.

"To the one I love! I love you! Even you don't know, but I still love you!" Mina yelled out loud.

Chaeyoung who witness Mina's drunk act giggled before going to her.

"And is it your parents or a guy?" Chaeyoung asked.

"You're the guy..." Mina mumbled and Chaeyoung is shocked.


Oops... Unintentional confession from Mina! How would Chaeyoung react?
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