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[No one's POV]

When Chaeyoung and Mina met each other again at the company the next day, they smiled to each other and a colleague saw it.

She then went around to spread that Chaeyoung and Mina are having a secret affair.

When Ang Ziyong came, Mina bring him to the laboratory.

The scientist in there are experimenting how the medications are made.

"Now, the scientist here are trying to figure out how the medication are made. Most of it is already figured out but only the medication oil couldn't work." Mina said.

"Of course. Only I know how to make it." Ang Ziyong said.

"Really? Then how did you make it?" Mina asked.

"There's too much people here. When it's night time, I can tell you and teach you personally. But you must be here alone." Ang Ziyong said.

"When?" Mina asked.

"Tonight 9pm then. I need to return to Taiwan as soon as possible." Ang Ziyong said.

"Okay then. Here in the lab." Mina said and he nodded.

After that Ang Ziyong left the company and went back.

Mina went back into her office but before she enter, she took a glance at Chaeyoung who is working diligently.

She smiled secretly and shyly while looking at Chaeyoung.

When it's lunch time, Chaeyoung is tidying up his work while Mina is looking at him.

Mina then looked away and bit her lower lips.

"Should I? Or should I not?" Mina mumbled to herself.

She then heard a knock from the door and just said come in without looking at the door.

"Mina, want to have lunch together?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina turned around swiftly.

"Huh? Sure." Mina said and Chaeyoung smiled.

"Let's go. I'll bring to my mum's shop. It's quite close to here." Chaeyoung said and Mina nodded.

They then decided to walk to the shop and once they reached the shop, Chaeyoung went to greet his mum.

His mum came out and saw Mina.

"Omo! Who is this pretty lady?" His mum said as Mina blushed.

"Good afternoon, auntie." Mina greeted and bowed.

"What's your name, dear?" His mum asked.

"Mina. Myoui Mina." Mina said.

"Oh... What a fine lady... Chaeyoung, when did you get this pretty girlfriend? Why didn't I ever know about this?" His mum asked Chaeyoung and Mina blushed.

She looked down so that people won't see her blushing face.

"What? Mum, she's not my girlfriend. Well, probably in the future." Chaeyoung said and Mina blushed harder.

But none of them know as Mina's hair is covering her face.

"Stupid child. You better get her as my daughter in law or else you're out of the house." His mum said.

"What?! Mum, now we are just boss and assistant. We are not even dating." Chaeyoung said and look at Mina who is looking down at the floor.

"So, tell me. Did he bully you?" His mum asked Mina.

"Mum, you know that I don't bully girls right?" Chaeyoung said and his mum rolled her eyes.

"I'm not even asking you." His mum said.

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