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[Mina's POV]

After Ang Ziyong teach me how to do it, I begin trying it on my own.

But when I was in the mid of experimenting, I felt a hand on my hips.

I look down at my hips and saw Ang Ziyong's hand on my hips.

I quickly pushed him away and step further away from him.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed and he smirked while slowly inching closer to me.

I backed away from him but unfortunately, my back hit the wall and I got nowhere to run.

He walked towards me very slowly while taking off his suit.

"You want to know why I decided to work with you? That's because I wanted to have a taste of your body. Just by looking at the perfect curves get me hard." He said and suddenly, he kissed my neck.

I tried pushing him away but he's too strong.

I keep hitting his biceps with my fist but it didn't even affect him.

He slowly go lower and lower while I am already crying, slowly losing hope.

As he break away from me and take off his shirt, I quickly took the chance and run away but he caught me.

He slapped me hard on the cheek and I fell down on the ground, crying for help while holding onto my cheek.

"No! Go away!" I shouted as I backed away from him.

And unfortunate me again, my back hit the wall and this time is worse.

I trapped at the corner.

I hugged my legs while crying in fear.

He let out a few evil laugh while slowly unbuckling his belt.

I closed my eyes, giving up but then, I heard groans and a crack sound.

I opened my eyes and saw Ang Ziyong on the floor while Chaeyoung is punching his face.

His nose is bleeding so I guess the crack sound come from his nose.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" Ang Ziyong begged and Chaeyoung stopped as his fist is just 1 inch away from Ang Ziyong's face.

"Don't ever let me see you again." Chaeyoung said and stood up.

Ang Ziyong quickly stood up and run away.

He then came to me and look at me worriedly.

"Mina, are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"You do know that being along with a guy at night is very dangerous right?" Chaeyoung asked and I nodded.

"But you still do it." Chaeyoung said.

"Thank you for saving me." I said and he sighed.

"I got so afraid when I heard your screams. I'm so scared that something might happen to you." Chaeyoung said and I feel my heartbeat starting to increase.

We looked at each other for a few seconds before breaking away.

"Erm... I mean if something happens to you, your dad might not let me go." Chaeyoung said.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

Just earlier when I'm walking around the company to see if is there anyone still in the office.

"No! Go away!" I heard a scream not far away from my current location.

I quickly run around to see where does the scream come from.

I then saw Ang Ziyong unbuckling his belt while Mina is closing her eyes and hugging her legs tightly.

I rushed in and punched him hard the face.

I then punched his nose and heard a crack.

But that didn't stop me.

I continue punching him until he shouted.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" He begged and when my fist is 1 inch away from his face, I stopped.

"Don't ever let me see you again." I said and stood up.

He then stood up and run away.

I then went to Mina and check if she's okay.

"You do know that being along with a guy at night is very dangerous right?" I asked and she nodded.

"But you still do it." I said, feeling slightly disappointed.

"Thank you for saving me." Mina said and I sighed.

"I got so afraid when I heard your screams. I'm so scared that something might happen to you." I blurted out without knowing what the hell I just said.

We looked at each other for a few seconds before breaking away.

"Erm... I mean if something happens to you, your dad might not let me go." I said.

'Jesus... Why would I say out like this...' I thought and gulped.

I took a glance at Mina and saw her looking at the ground.

"Let me send you home." I said and she nodded.

I then help her up and we walked to the car park.

She got in the car first before I jogged over to the driver's seat.

I start the engine and start driving to her house.

Once I reach her house, I pulled over and got down to help her.

"I can manage, Chaeyoung-ah." She said and I looked at her.

'This is the first time you called my name so beautifully.' I thought.

"Okay then... Be careful as you go in." I said and she nodded.

"Once again, thank you for saving me earlier." She said.

"Ay... If you treat me as your friend, then stop thanking me." I said and she smiled.

"Okay then..." She said and I smiled.

"Now go in..." I said and she waved.

I waved back and after I confirmed that she went in, I then got back into my car and drove away.

I then went back home and took a bath.

After I took a bath, I took my phone and went to IG.

While I'm scrolling my feed, I saw her post.

I sighed and look at the photo frame on my table.

I took it up and touched her face.

I look around my room and saw many photos of us.

I then took all of it down and keep them inside the box.

'Since I've already decided to forget about her, keeping these things might help.' I thought and closed the box.

I kept it in my closet and look at the new appearance of my room.

"I must forget her..." I said and dried my hair.

After drying my hair, I then turned off the lights and went to sleep.


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