Chapter 2 - A Friendly Flight

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Chapter 2

(Sav's Assistant/Bodyguard, Finn Jurgins, pictured above)

Saville's POV:

    A few Google searches, some phone calls and $5,200 dollars later my assistant, Finn, had successfully booked him and I, on a red-eye from LA to NYC. It took me all-of 1 hour to pack a few bags and get the hell out of my house after the Oscar ceremony tonight.
Coming home to find that Gil had left me alone on one of the most important nights in my career to fuck one of his boy-toys was my last straw.
    Sabrina, my caring sister was worried for me, but I knew that it would be safer for myself to spend time away from this place. It turned out everyone was against it, my manager, my agent, my sister and even my assistant/security... They were all worried that going to Manhattan a week before filming started would result in chaos...

I simply didn't care.

      I was bringing Finn with me, a great assistant and a phenomenal bodyguard. Standing at almost 6'6", built with muscles in all the right places, I knew I would be safe and at least have someone to keep me company. Though Finn wasn't much of a conversationalist, neither was I with the state of my life...
    Everyone complained about my decision, but I wasn't having it. I told my manager to do her job and use my social media to make it seem like I was relaxing in Los Angeles. Post archived photos, tweet whatever seems appropriate and basically, do what I pay her too. My agent didn't have much to say other than he was going to notify the team on the ground in Manhattan for the production.
    Sabrina on the other hand. Ughh... She didn't want to have to share the house with Gillian and honestly, I couldn't blame her. I'm fleeing the state to get away from my husband. Not that he even showed a bit of care, as he slept through my packing.
    So came the time to lay out her choices for her. Go to her dorm room at the college I pay for her to go to, or, she could stay in the house like she has been doing and just put up with it. After telling her all this, I kissed her on the cheek, hugged her tight and told her I would be back soon and that texts and calls were always welcome.
    Ordering an UberBlack, Finn and I got inside with all our luggage and off we went to LAX. I wish I could say I was going to miss it, my house, a place I wouldn't see for two whole months...
        Yet, I couldn't. Because, I wouldn't miss it. It wasn't home. It never was.
    As I thought more about this, I realized something... Nothing has felt like home for a while. Before I started my career, I was in a dorm room, drowning in homework and my own insecurities and fears. After I started working on Dark Creatures, I sorta moved into the town we shot it in down in Georgia.
    I had my cast mates, my friends from set, but other than that... I don't really have any real friends. Sabrina is my closest friend and even with us, I don't tell her anything about myself. It's so weird to look at your life, a very publicized and documented one like mine and realize... no one really knows you...

    "Sav...Sav... SAVILLE!" Finn's voice pops out of seemingly no-where, alerting us to our arrived destination.

    Barley grunting in response, I open the car door and immediately head to exactly where I'm going. After riding in plane after plane, this whole thing becomes a bit annoying, tedious and ingrained in my memory. Moving through the airport is nerve-racking mostly due to my efforts to conceal my identity.
    Wearing a giant oversized hoodie, grey sweatpants and chestnut-colored Uggs, I almost sigh in relief when I realize that absolutely no-one is looking at me. Maybe its because of the outfit, the over-sized sunglasses or the late hour, but I am happy to have a bit of calm for once.
    After boarding, I make sure to cover myself in blankets in the First Class seats and begin using my phone to listen to music and read. Waiting for the announcement for our flight to take off, I uncover myself and look over to see Finn doing exactly what I was doing. Smiling at the shy, gentle-giant, I squeeze his arm a little to get his attention.

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