Chapter 23 - Flashback Kinks: Part 1

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Chapter 23 - Flashback Kinks: Part 1

Atten: Point of View Change ⬇️

Alex's POV:

I thanked whatever higher being there is for allowing me to see into my Little Ones head this morning. He truly is a phenomenal actor, but for whatever reason, around Ellie and I, he never really tries. I could tell how much he was hurting.

What pained me so deeply was not knowing if his idiot Husband caused this... or if I did? I realize I had taken a bit of a leap last night by giving him the pacifier, but I thought he could use the comfort. I saw him as my Little One and that was a mistake, because I've never formally asked.

Why have Ellie and I been so stupid? Why haven't we talked openly with Saville about everything? This needs to be fixed, he has to realize what we want... him.

"I'm so tired." Savvy speaks from his spot; legs on me, head against Eli's chest. His face was so blank, yet the reddened tear-stained cheeks showed his emotion for him.

"You can sleep beautiful. We'll be here, right here when you wake up." I spoke while pulling a blanket from the bed, and spreading it over my cutie.

"I'm so fucked up." Savv accidentally said, the whisper of his voice gave it away as he maneuvered in both our laps to lay down.

It was probably not the right moment, and I think I scared him, but I needed him to believe me. Reaching out quickly before his head was out of reach, I grab his jaw and made him look me in the eyes. I can only imagine how I looked to him, all worked up, seemingly angry... I wasn't. I just couldn't stand hearing it.

"You are not fucked up! I never want to hear you say there is something wrong with you again. Saville, please believe me... you are a beautiful and kind person." I wanted to growl out, but kept it down to a slight rumble.

He didn't respond to me, yet a single tear fell from his eye and fell down his high and bruised cheekbones. As he laid down to sleep, I kept petting his thigh and hip comfortingly. I wanted him to calm down, just so he could see everything clearly again.

Looking up I saw the concern in my Husband's eye that were focused on Saville's dyed-brunette hair. I kept watching his face, trying to figure if he was thinking what I was. We needed to be honest, we needed to be open at the very least to makeup for our recent recklessness.

We are Dominants, so we should start acting like it.

After a few minutes, Elliot finally looked up and found my eyes on him. He only looked down at Saville again quickly before turning back to me with arched eyebrows. He was asking a question, the one we should have already answered. I simply nodded my head, knowing that things can't keep progressing like this...



Not many little boys dream of selling themselves. Yet many teenagers, and even adults would love nothing more than to be a Porn Star. They think it's all fun and games, some mind blowing sex and a few cameras.

That's nothing like what it is.

Porn is work. Its more work than anyone wants to admit too, because to be frank, no one wants to know. People don't want their fantasies or their entertainment ruined. And I'm not complaining! I love my work, more like loved...

I'm almost forty and while many people like a sexy 'Daddy', I wasn't enjoying it anymore. While Elliot was screwing my Little One for the first time, I was filming my last movie in Las Vegas.

With "LifeStyle" being popular, and the expanding client base, I don't really need to actually film movies anymore. Plus I missed my Husband and found myself thinking about him while filming scenes. Ever since we met, I don't think sex has ever been the same.

Elliot and I were both around 18 when we had met. He was living in a dorm on this fancy college campus. I on the other hand was sharing a studio apartment with a friend. Years ago the LGBT+ activism wasn't what it should have been.

Eli was being taunted and pushed around one night outside his dorm building by some football players. I was leaving a tricks dormitory when I saw what was happening. Since I was in a business where I needed protection, but couldn't afford it, you could say I was fit.

I chased the jocks away and stayed to make sure this tall, scrawny cutie in glasses was safe. To my surprise, he was quick-witted and told me off. The next time I saw him, he wasn't being bothered. Elliot was simply reading a book on the grass, and I came up to talk to him.

It soon became a ritual, one I was very happy to have found. Going home after getting paid to fuck around is incredibly humiliating and depressing. Somehow my future Husband had me looking forward to it, just so I could see him.

Looking down at my babies body, he was warm and so nice to lay next to. I could only hope Eli and I could show Saville the same kindness we found in one another.

His face was blank, and it looked like he was angry. If I hadn't seen him before, I would imagine his emotions were causing this face. But no, Saville always kinda has resting bitch face when he sleeps. It's all the more funny when he wakes up horny or happy.

Elliot and I true to our word didn't leave Saville alone at all in the past 3 hours. We simply moved his sleeping body off the floor and onto the bed. We didn't want him waking up in more pain, and it also helped out old man backs from breaking too. This also gave my Husband and I a chance to discuss what we wanted to do.

"No more of this." I said out loud when I knew FOR SURE that Saville was asleep. Elliot's eyebrows raised and his forehead crinkled in response.

"No more?" He asks me, in our hushed tone, as not to wake our cutie up.

"We have to tell him everything. Lay it all out on the table, kinks and all. He has to know his place, and if he doesn't want it.... we have to walk away. What we've been doing is only hurting him. His Ex obviously treated him like trash, and now we're treating him like a bed warmer."

"What's his place?" Eli asks me. I can see the real question in his eyes, and I'm a little confused at it.

"I thought that's what we wanted Ellie? We wanted a sub... has that changed?" I ask, wondering if he just wants our relationship to be between us.

Our relationship has always worked best though when we had a sub to share. Did it help to have one another when that sub left us for a single person... yes. Did it hurt? Yes. But I still want a sub. I want a forever parter to share with my husband. Is it selfish to want a Throuple?

"I want a sub with you Allie, I'm just... scared. What if he leaves?" He asks, tears welling in his eyes that he magically makes disappear. Reaching up to touch his cheek, I wipe away an imaginary tear.

"What if my parents didn't kick me out and we didn't meet? What if I had died when I was homeless. What if you didn't pick that University, or what if I wasn't a hooker. We could keep playing that game forever Elliot, but it has to end. We are who we are, and so is he. If he leaves us, we'll get through it. But we can't not take chances because of "what if"'s." I say, while looking down at my beautiful baby boy sleeping.

I want to take the chance. I want him and his flaws. I want him to see himself as flawless, even when he isn't. That might not be a healthy idea, but Sav needs to see himself for more than what he does.

End of Part One
⬇️ Start Part Two ⬇️

Author's Note: please enjoy this two update week!!

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