Chapter 12 - Plaintiff?

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Chapter 12 - Plaintiff?

Saville's POV:

My lips became engulfed with warm wetness, as my eyes and mind were still hazing from sleep. Going with the kiss, my tongues flexed and massages the other. Opening my eyes slightly, I saw the blonde, built man kneeling on the floor, with his face upon mine.

Wrapping my arms around his neck quickly, I pulled him onto me. I wanted to feel his weight lay upon me as I swam in sleepy pleasuring peace. Alex followed my movements, moving to lay over my body that had fallen asleep on their living room couch.

"I said 'wake him' Ali, not make out with him.", Elliot yells across the apartment with a soft, joking tone. Separating our lips caused a whine and whimper from me, as Alex looked over the couch at his husband.

"Forgive me, Master, but I can do whatever I please with him.", the sarcastic title Alex speaks causes me to smile at their antics.

The blonde man on top of me yet quickly turned back to look into my eyes. His smile was so easy and warm, and it instantly filled my stomach with butterflies. A small giggle slipped from my lips as I tried to hide my face and the blush that spread across my cheeks.

"You're endlessly adorable Little One." Alex spoke, smiling at me before leaned down, and placed his face in the crook of my neck.

Soon, I was receiving kisses and hickies along my shoulder and neck. These blueish, purple marks would last for a few days, and every time I saw them I would think of this. Something about love-bites always made me happy. Some people may find them trashy, but to me, it means I belong.

Sadly, Alex stopped kissing my neck and began to simply stare at me again. I didn't like the look in his eyes as stared. It felt like he could see something, like I was revealing things, and yet I wasn't speaking. When Elliot spoke again, I was thankful for the interruption in our moment.

"Come on Puppy, you should really eat something. It's nearly 1pm...", this statement brought me racing back to real-life, or at least the life I had fabricated for myself.

Pushing Alex off me, I got off the couch and searched for my phone. Seeing lots of texts and emails, I suddenly felt incredibly guilty for falling asleep on the couch after Finn called this morning. Walking into the kitchen, I tapped away on my phone in rapid movements. Sending at least 5 messages, before I sat down at the dark-toned marble breakfast bar.

I was reading a email when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex and Elliot embracing slightly. The looks on their faces were odd ones, they pulled my attention from the device in my hand. Whispers of conversation could be heard across the kitchen island, but still, the words were unintelligible to me.

After a minute, they seemed to stop and look back at me. They eyed me with curious gazes, and furrowed brows.

"What?" I ask, breaking the silence in the room.

"We have a couple of questions for you." Alex spoke up first, before turning to Eli for him to continue...

"First of all, why weren't you in bed this morning?"

"My assistant's incessant phone calls woke me. Seems a few paparazzo's caught, Master and I, at dinner last night. Given that your a well-known divorce Attorney, the media has begun speculating about my own marriage.", I try to explain, while receiving refrained looks of shock, when I address Eli as 'Master'

"That's another matter we need to discuss. Does last night mean that your willing to become our Submissive?" Elliot asks, making me confused suddenly.

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