Chapter 33 - In the Dark (Part 1)

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Chapter 33 - In the Dark (Part 1)

(If you don't remember last weeks surprise, make sure to check the bottom of the chapter for a surprise.)

Alex's POV:

"Master & Daddy,

Meet me at your apartment at 9pm tonight. Remember it's better this way...

I love you both,

I had been in my office for hours, and yet every time I tried to work, my mind went back to that note. Holding it in my hands, I was more and more anxious for it to be 9pm already. I wanted this anticipation and anxiety to pass at least a little bit. The paper was plain and unaffected aside from the writing, yet I felt something off about the situation.

Every time I tried to call Saville, his phone would go to voicemail. Overall this wasn't that much a surprise given that we left the set early this morning, and he was still working. Even my texts were unanswered, which made my mind race with possibilities to teach my baby about responding. Eli was rather calm about the whole situation, as he always would be.

Sometimes I envied Ellie for his affinity to be calm in most hectic situations. I couldn't understand it either, my mind worries and races to the worst case scenarios. It felt almost stupid to ignore the weirdness in the note, but my husband dismissed it. He always was the more rational one with an even temper and demeanor. I, on the other hand, like to keep my eyes and ears peeled for any sign of danger or strangeness.

It's nice to know that after 18 years of marriage, my husband can still surprise me though.

While I don't think Elliot is a completely changed person or now self-identities as a Sadist, it's nice to know he won't cringe at me. Whenever I was rough with a sub, when I was mean and proceeded to torture their sweet bodies, Elliot would check out. As a Dom he would always stick around the room, but he couldn't bare to watch my actions.

He never was repulsed, he never judged me either, but it was his rather strange avoidance of the situation.

Watching him deliberately hurt Saville was so sexy to watch. He drank in our boys expression's and moan's of pleasure like water. I wanted to watch him do it for hours, and despite his toe-dipping in the sadism waters, I doubt he'd grab a whip anytime soon. I'll always be the one with the high need and lust for inflicting pain.

Though I have to agree with Elliot about Saville. Our boy is a strange case, one where I doubt he was born this way.

I've always classified masochists into two categories. You have the masochists that were born loving pain and seeking it out for gratification. Then you have taught masochist's that either teach themselves to like it, or have someone else teach them. Saville was an odd case of what I believe to be self-taught, but with an exceptionally high pain tolerance.

He also never truly appeared to be in pain, he always had this face of exasperation or pleasure. Some masochists look like their gritting their way through the scene, where others simply moan and react like it's normal pleasure. Saville was a mix of both, and while I loved it, and him... it was a strange thing to witness.

When I finally got pulled from my thoughts, I saw the time was almost 8pm. Closing the store books and leaving my office, I walked out into the showroom to see Ellie milling about in the aisles. Smiling at my workers, I handed them the keys to close up for the night and went over to meet my Husband.

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