Chapter 13 - Strange Reds

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Chapter 13 - Strange Reds

Saville's POV:

"Angry reds? You mean like the blues?" I asked the beautiful woman who's running around her apartment looking for a pair of black patent-leather pumps.

"No — the blues are because your getting fat, or it's been raining too long. No, the angry reds are horrible. Suddenly your scared, and you don't even know what your scared of... Do you ever feel like that?" She replied, sitting on the make-shift sofa, a split open bathtub in the middle of her living room.

"CUT!" Our director, Stephan, yells before telling us to take 10 while they find the Cat.

This fucking Cat. I swear, every time we go to shoot, it's missing again. He's the sweetest little kitty once he's on set and with people, but I guess his curiosity gets the best of him and he runs away.

So while the trainer goes on her mission to find the cat, I approach Finn. Who's been sitting in a folding chair watching the scene with a pensive look for the last hour. Deciding I should probably find out what is the problem, I trudge my way over knowing the news can't be good.

"What's happened Finny? You have that look on your face.", I ask while smiling a bit and trying to fluff my hairspray-ed hair.

"What face?" Finn grumbles, wearing the exact face I'm talking about.

"Your 'bad news' face. It's either that or Gil, which I'm sure couldn't ever really be considered good news... So come on Finn, out with it!", I demand as he hands me a bottle of water and finally decides to tell me.

" ...They...called." Finn explains. His statement leaving me with a strange face.

I'm not angry... I spent too much time being pissed at them. I'm not sad, because I learned my lesson with my anger. After several years of fighting, of half-threats and hate-filled words, I realized a few things. I didn't want to be whatever they wanted me to be, and they simply will never act the way that I believe they should.

"Give me my phone. And tell them I need a minute, whenever they find that god forsaken Cat." I tell Finn as I take my phone and go to a more secluded area of the set.

My sister shouldn't be in class considering it's after noon here and early morning on the West Coast. So it's annoying when I only get an answer after the third call.

"Sabrina?" I speak as she picks up.

"Well good morning to you too Savvy... what's got up your ass this early in the morning?" Sabrina replies with a chuckle.

"It's 10:30 over there, that isn't early. Now do you have any idea why our Parents would have called me?" I ask my sister with a bored tone, and a roll of my eyes at her yawning.

"Mom called me last night. They're having a 30th Wedding Anniversary party, and I'm guessing they wanted to invite you." Sabrina explains.

There's a long silence as I think of what to do and what to say to Sabrina about them. I don't want to appear mean, but I would really just rather my parents simply forget they knew me. Then again, that would mean they would have to let go of the fact that their son is a famous Actor.

All my childhood, they put more effort, more love and more energy into Sabrina's upbringing. While this probably should have made me loathe my sister, I recognized the slacking's of my parents. It wasn't her fault that nothing I did ever matched her efforts.

They spoke hatefully of me when they found out I was gay. I didn't come out to them. I simply lived my life outside of my childhood house and my parents eventually found out about my high school boyfriend.

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