Chapter 18 - Cheeseburger Star

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Chapter 18 - Cheeseburger Star

Saville's POV:

        "Yes, thank you so much!" I spoke into the hotel phone. Currently I laid in bed with a t-shirt and shorts on while waiting for my room service to be delivered as promised.

There was soon several quick raps against the heavy, locked hotel room door. Jumping up, my mouth instantly salivated with the coming prospect of a melt-y cheeseburger with hot sauce and fries. As I thought about it, this order must have made the kitchen think I was intoxicated in someway.

How do you explain simple excitement over your pending divorce. I didn't know...

            "Correct me if I'm wrong but as well as being your assistant, I am also your body guard. This would signify my necessity to have a guard!! Stop running off without me! At least send a text!" Turned out it was simply my grumpy and pissed Finn that was banging on the door.

Simply letting the giant in the room, I closed the door with ease before turning around. I didn't relish the idea of explaining anything, but if I was going to, I wanted answers to a few things as well.

            "I trust you with my entire life, but do you like me? Are we — friends? I never could tell..." I ask him with genuine curiosity and no ill-will. His obvious mix of confusion and hurt immediately tell me the answer.

            "I like you plenty, more than most. And I thought we are making progress on being friends."

             "I am truly sorry that I keep ditching you places with no idea of where to find me. And if I'm being honest, I'm really glad that you want to be my friend." Apologizing and telling the truth come to me very easily for some odd reason. Hugging him until he lets me go is a nice sensation, one that I'm relieved to get back in my life.

As we break our embrace, I see Finn's face still wanting to chat. Before we can do anything like that, I call Room Service again and tell them I need another order of the same thing. Though the thinly-veiled aggravation is easily heard in their tone, I find little in myself to care. Plus I tip really fucking well!

           "Though I have made the majority of the calls already... You should be on the look-out for a Lawyer, Movers, a Security company, and a Publicist calling to speak to me." I relayed to Finn as he no-doubt made mental notes, yet not before giving me a questioning look.

As the tension I caused slowly dissipated around Finn, he sat on his bed and began to get ready to go to sleep. He only gave me a puzzled look before I started to explain why all these people will be calling him. I guess if I was going to do this, I had to tell Finn the truth...

         "I can imagine what you thought of me when I hired you... A famous, spoiled 21 year old boy that let his husband blatantly cheat on him. The real reason I needed you, Finn, was for protection inside my own home. The bruises healed before you came into the picture... and you were shy... you were safe to be around. I was scared, and I kinda still am..."

As I speak, I think back to the days spent sitting inside my house, scared. I needed an assistant, but I needed help in a way too. Every time I tried to fight back against Gil, I was left sore and aching, while he was left dicking down another beach bunny.

"I'm sure you've come to see how, sedated, I am around crisis's or personal issues... I wasn't always like this. Strength, pride, trust, dignity... it's all pieces of who you are, and when someone breaks you, they take those shards. I know I didn't let you do a lot of saving, but you protected me more than you even knew how too. So thank you..."

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