Chapter 24 - Flashback Kinks: Part 2

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Chapter 24 - Flashback Kinks: Part 2

Atten: Point of View Change ⬇️

Elliot's POV:

What if...
What if's...

Allie is right when he says they can't rule your life. But they certainly influence your decisions more than you would like.

The night I had met Saville, I went to the club to get out of my house. I had been lonely all week with Alex across the country. Going to work and coming back to an empty home couldn't be healthy. So I thought I would have a drink.

That was when I met the little cutie laying asleep next to Alex and I. He didn't speak much, but his eyes told me more than I needed to know. He had drawn me in with them, and I knew he needed protecting more than anything.

It's my fault I flirted. It's my fault I led us back to my house and it's my fault that I fucked him. I should have drove him home and left it at that. Yet I knew if I had done that, he would never have spoken to me again. Whether that was him or the people in his life, we wouldn't have connected.

He's in pain. Allie thinks he's the only one that can see it, but he's wrong. I knew this morning something was wrong. Alex spoke up quicker than I did, but Savvy was never leaving this apartment. I know a Sub in Drop and anything was possible, even the vivid pictures painting the inside of my head.

Should I regret fucking him? Because I don't. I regret a lot of things in life, but finding Sav at the club that night is not one of them.

Allie is right about the state of our relationship though. What we've been doing has to stop, because it's not healthy. For anyone. Even though I'm terrified of being hurt by another sub again, I still want Sav. I don't think he's just a sub though. That's the truly scary thing I've realized.

I haven't told Allie, and he hasn't admitted anything to me, but I have feelings. Are they the same ones I feel for my husband of almost 15 years? No, but their fucking similar. I didn't want to show Alex how attached I was getting, but this shouldn't be an excuse.

Despite what Saville wants to believe, he is a true submissive. His eyes reflect it, his mannerisms, even the way he speaks shows it. He needs a Dominant, and he's been without one for too long. He could be so happy, but when your drifting out to sea... when your drowning... how can you see the shore?

Alex and I's kinks might surprise him, but it's nothing that I believe would make him run. He's already seen bits and pieces of it, and even then he's panting and hard. I can't believe he would turn us down because of something sexual... no... my worries stem from his emotions.

              "He's scared." I say, gathering my Husband's attention.

               "I know, and I think he might have good reason to be." Alex responds, while slowly brushing Sav's hair with his hand.

              "We have to show him that he is safe with us." I think out loud.

              "He will. Once he knows everything." Alex speaks. Think about what Alex said, I can feel slight movements before a soft voice is heard.

              "What's everything?" Saville speaks for the first time in 4 hours. His sleep clouded eyes still blink and readjust to the light, as he struggles to sit up.

Despite his long nap, it's only 11 am and we still haven't eaten anything. Pulling my phone off that nightstand, I quickly order Alex and I's lazy day breakfast order for Delivery. Keeping the device in hand for updates, I turn to my pup on the bed.

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