Interviews and Oopsies

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Currently, I'd like to say that most of the FACTS in this story are from the official Wiki file pages for both 049 and 035. Some of the attitudes from 035 will be from the Sedition series from Tats top videos. So, go watch and go read up if you don't know much about SCPs and please vote, like, comment and enjoy!!

Dr. Itkin wasn't sure about the ending of the interview with SCP-049. Not to mention the fact that it laughed at his statement for being disappointed in the lack of living test subjects it was going to receive. He didn't understand the SCP, but it intrigued most of the scientists at the Foundation.

There were still so many things that no one understood or knew about it - its origin, its cure or what it calls the "Pestilence". Many doctors had said that it was talking about the Bubonic Plague, but it claimed it had no idea what that was.

Dr. Itkin ran into Dr. Clef on the way back to his office. "Ah, Dr. Clef. How are the interviews going on your Site?" As he spoke, he waved the doctor down, who ran up to him immediately. Being a lower rank then Itkin, he was a bit rushed.  Amusing to said doctor.

"Hello, Itkin. The SCPs in Site-17 aren't the easiest to deal with, as you know." Clef rubbed the back of his neck, which was slowly turning red from the constant unnecessary attention.

Itkin gently grabbed Clefs arm and pushed it back down to his side. "Dear lord, your neck is going red. I'm not that scary!" He chuckled as Clef forced a wary smile onto his lips. He looked back at the doctor hopeful to ask a question.

Itkin was a step ahead of him. "Something on your mind?" Clef nodded and inhaled sharply before speaking. "How did the interview with SCP-049 go? Any progress?"

Itkin looked at the little notes he had forgotten he'd written on his clipboard. He sighed in defeat and shook his head with a pained smile at the shorter doctor. Clef became worried about his friend. "Sorry, I didn't think we'd actually get anything, though." Itkin hummed in response.

His smile looked a little more genuine at the thought of a previous interview. "I think Dr. Sherman may have roughed it up a bit, now that I think of it." Both doctor's shared a small laugh at this and made small talk as they walked back to Itkin's office.

By the time they reached the office door, both of them were pink-faced from laughing at fond memories. Only when he swiped the keycard to his office and turned to his colleague, did Itkin hear possibly the most adorable sound ever heard.

Due to a previous joke, Clef was still laughing. Itkin managed to turn to look at him in the perfect second. Clef had snorted. Itkin felt his face heat up slightly. Clef covered his mouth and nose to best stifle the second snort that came from him. He looked at his friend and his smile slightly faltered. "Elijah? Are you feeling okay? You look a little flustered."

And that he was. It was only when Clef mentioned it that the other realized he was flustered. Over his friend. His childhood friend. He dismissed himself as best he could and rushed into his office, making sure the door was closed before resting his back on it, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't believe himself. Mentally, he whacked himself over the head with the clipboard in his hands.

Oof. Some Clef and Itkin maybe later in the story?? Mmh? Maybe :/ Well anyway. Yeah. Maybe.
=Or you just read and made it here alive=
Be sure to check out my other books and maybe Just MaYbE hit that Follow button under my Profile pic and get notifications on when this story will be updated! I'm sick and dying so updates will be slow. But they will happen! I (kinda) Promise! And I may have changed a few things around with Clef and Itkin. Don't expect me to keep everything factual. Its called story magic, fandom. I am the author and I can do whatever the hell I want with what I write. So yeet yourselves away from the comments unless its helpful or something funny or just something random and stupid but no negativity. Thanks for Reading!

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Bappo." -Sedition Series(Edited)

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