Soon Enough

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I don't think that anyone requested Larry but I would assume people thought that he would be a problem eventually. That's what I was planning on anyway. Right, as alway - please be sure to vote for the story and follow for notifications on updates! Authors notes will be in chapters so you guys don't get excited about something that isn't a chapter. Well, I've got nothing else so away you go!

Everything was dark. Blurry. Terrifying. He couldn't see very well and the only thing he could hear was his breathing. He felt like he was being watched from every corner his eyes turned to. It only took him a few minutes to realize where he was. "No... this isn't happening to me..."

Clef stared at the dark walls around him and he knew from the pit of his stomach that had dropped to his knees that he was in the wrong dimension. The ominous colors of the walls scarred him and made him feel like he was going to lose his lunch.

"Your awake. For a moment I thought you wouldn't wake up~" the wicked voice called out to him. It felt like it was all around him, enclosing him in a cage. "Why? Why won't you leave me alone!" He wanted nothing more then to leave, to find Elijah.



Help me.

There was laughter, it echoed through these horrible hallways and to the cowering doctors ears. It was deafening. "No one can help you my dear. Your alone here, with me." He felt it behind him, and he ran.

He ran like his life depended on every step, like a heart monitor was connected to his very feet. In a way, it was true. If he dared to stop, who knew what would happen to him.

Now this won't do. How are you supposed to play with toys if they run away? It's not like the little scientist had many places to hide, he was stuck in his pocket dimension. He was the King and he knew everything that happened.

He always got what he wanted here, and he wanted his queen. The delectation he would feel when he won his prize over, he would be able to have him all for himself. Instead of excuse for a cryptobiologist who thought it a good idea to fall for something that wasn't his.

He had an appetite, and his doctor was the main course. "You know you can't hide from me my dear, I brought you here. Your in my castle now~" It didn't take him very long before he found what belonged to him. The poor doctor screamed when he felt his arm being burned by the hand of his king. He kicked and pulled with everything he had, but he came to realize that he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

It was only a momentary surprise when there was no sign of retaliation from Clef, and he let himself be dragged back to where he started. He wasn't the most comfortable about it, but he knew he had little to no choice or say in the matter.

He did have a problem when the SCP decided it fit to pick him up bridal and carry him to his throne. "Excuse me! What do you think your doing?!" Despite his clear discomfort, even he noticed how weak he was fighting back. He wondered if he was really that weak or... No. He's not that low.

At least he doesn't think he is. "Don't worry my dear, your safe with me. No one will touch you." He saw those disgusting black eyes staring him down, his back was starting to burn and his legs ached. He could have sworn he saw a hint of green in those eyes.

He was not prepared for the swiftness of how he came to sit on this SCP's lap. It happened in the blink of an eye - one minute he felt the small of his back burn like hell. The next, he was sitting stiff in the lap of the SCP. A cold finger turned his chin to the side and forced him to look into those void like eyes again. "No need to be so uptight my queen, relax won't you~?"

Not helping. He felt himself tense up even more. He was so unbelievably not okay with this and it was making him feel sick. He wanted out, he wanted to run, to hide. The problem was that whatever was sitting behind him knew everything in this horrible place like the back of its hand.

"Why are you so interested in me?" He unwillingly turned around slightly to look at the anomaly behind him. He chuckled and came too close for the doctor to even think of the definition of the word relax. He placed his hand under his chin and gave him a smirk that would put Brights to shame.

"Can't you see my dear? Soon in time you will feel the same for me," With little to no hesitation, he took the doctors lips with his own.

"As I do for you."

HAHA UNCOMFORTABLE CONFESSIONS AM I RIGHT? N-No? No it's not- it's not fun- okay. ANYWAY. Thank you guys so much for reading I know there are a dedicated few of you who have read all the chapters up to here and are staying until the end. Don't worry, that is far from close. The end I mean. So yeah, thank all of you for sticking around and reading this pile of absolute garbage. Hope to see you all in the next chapter! Love you!

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