Chapter 17

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*Emma's p.o.v* 

Miniminter: Take it easy Emma or it will get worse

Emma_224300: Ok whatever I need to go Simon. And don't think I will answer your guys messages a lot I have things to do in my life.

I turned off my phone. Chloe was right there with me the whole time. She has been there for me thought thick and thin and helped me a lot.

"Hey Emma you good?" 

"They found my Instagram" I said hugging her.

"It's going to be ok Emma"

"I know, but I don't know what to do because I want to talk to them but they are the reason I'm back here. My parents said they didn't want me any more, so they called them"

"I'm sure your ok" She said

"Now let get home i'm tried" I said as we laughed

*Simon's p.o.v*

It was time to tell the guys, and I need to tell them about her knee and that she will probably no answer messages. I slowly walk down to the kitchen and as soon I get there I was asked questions like why do you need to talk to us etc.

"Well guys I have good and bad news" I said that and all of their eyes look at me.

"What do you mean good and bad new Simon" JJ said

"Well good news is that I found Emma's Instagram. However, bad news is that she doesn't want to talk to us"

"What do you mean Emma doesn't want to talk to us" Ethan asked. I showed them the messages from earlier.

"We will see her in a few months I think" Tobi said

"I'm going back to my room I need to edit my videos, so see you guys later" I said leaving the room.

(Emma's p.o.v) 

The team had practice today and I was going so I could see what they were doing, but little did I know there was some news for the whole team.

"Ok, so I have big news today" The coach shouted "We are going to England for a month to play in around of games from high schools there. Emma do you think you can play." 

"How many months until we go"

"two months"

"Yea I will be find. I will just need to wear my brace at that time" I said nervously

"Ok now you all may leave practice is not happening today" He said and everyone left. I finally get home and like anyways I'm home alone again. I go upstairs and start looking for my vape. After a few minutes I found it. Everyone knows I vape because they have been around to see it even teachers know. I get my vape and phone, then I walk out the door to park to see the girls.

(Few Minutes later)

I made it to the park and I see the girls. I run over to them and hug them. 

"Finally your here. We were about to start the video" Ash said

"You know I can't do anything in it right" I said 

"Yea, but lets get the vape trick video done first."

(30 minutes later)

We finished the vape trick video and then I post a video of us vaping and the boys saw it. I might of forgot they follow me.

*Josh's p.o.v*

Emma vapes now. She knows that it's bad for her. Do her parents even care. So, many kids looked up to Emma also. She is with other people I wonder if they had her do it.

"Josh come to the kitchen" JJ yelled. I start to run down the stairs

"What is it" 

"Did you see Emma's post. I mean like what is she doing." Simon said

"I know. She was a role model and now she has changed everything about her" 

"This can't be Emma" Vik said walking in 

"I know I'm going to text her. We all might have to because she said that she will not answer some text messages from us because it's her life" Simon said and we all nodded


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